Recent Updates

  • Updated on: Feb 03, 2023

    What is Salesforce?

    Salesforce is a relational database, meaning that you can relate different types of information to each other.

    For example, an address book can store information about your contacts. But what if you could connect your address book to a notebook you've been keeping on different organizations? Now you have two data bases - one for contacts, and one for organizations (also known as "accounts" in Salesforce).

    In addition, you want to track the relationships that your contacts have to each other, as well as their affiliations to other organizations. In a traditional database, you would have to make a note of this somewhere separately. In a relational database, you can link together lots of records - for example, you can link a Fellow to her spouse, assistant(s), nominator(s), primary place of work, Board affiliations, and educational affiliations.

    Furthermore, Salesforce can be customized to create "objects" that are specific to our work. This means that we can additionally track programs, classes, program engagements, nominations, and seminar attendance.

    Salesforce also integrates with many other useful tools, extending its functionality to features beyond a traditional database, including integration with your email in Outlook, tools for email blasts, and online forms.

    Manual Introduction
  • Updated on: Feb 03, 2023

    Test Yourself

  • Updated on: Feb 03, 2023

    Linked Reports

    There are some reports that are linked within the different Salesforce objects for your convenience.

    Manual Reports
  • Updated on: Feb 03, 2023

    Create a Case

    Create a new case letting me know how you did with the tasks in the "Test Yourself" section! In particular, if you created any fake records, please log a case to request that they be deleted. For your reference, steps for creating a case follow below.
  • Updated on: Feb 03, 2023

    Add yourself to Salesforce

  • Updated on: Feb 03, 2023

    Testing Forms

    1. Test the link with the contact ID for as many of the people you will be sending it to. It's important to experience the form from the end user's perspective so you can understand what their experience will be like and identify any questions or issues that might arise.
    2. Test the submission to see how it behaves in Salesforce. Understand what will happen when the form is submitted. In this case, the submission should create a Venture Update record on the most recent Venture where the Fellow is marked the Lead Contact. Make sure it’s populating the right fields on that Venture Update record (e.g. tagline  tagline, description  description, update  update).
    3. Test the flow in Salesforce to make sure that when you check the “Set as current version” box on the Venture Update record that is created, it updates the appropriate fields on the Venture record itself (e.g. tagline  Description (200 words), Description  Description (800 words), general update  Current Venture Update). Note that these mappings right now DO NOT align  we need to map the tagline to the Description (200 words) field on the Venture record and the description to the Description (800 words) field on the Venture record as this is how the current integration with MSDS is set up. Once we move off that integration, we will have these map to the appropriate fields.
    4. Test the link for the contact ID again, just to make sure that the form is pulling the newly updated Venture fields into the form. For any potentially cyclical process, it’s important to make sure we are accounting for repeated submissions  so we will particularly want to test what happens when you use that form link again to make additional changes. Another Venture Update record should be created that you will need to review; if approved, try checking the “Set as current version” box on that record to make sure it updates the Venture record. I haven’t set it to uncheck the previous record but the flow will update the Venture record based on the most recent Venture Simple Update record to be marked true so it isn’t a problem technically.
    Manual Form Assembly
  • Updated on: Feb 03, 2023

    Types of Forms

  • Updated on: Feb 03, 2023

    Custom Links

    Manual Form Assembly
  • Updated on: Feb 03, 2023

    Pulling the Flight Schedule

    Instructions for how to generate the AGLN Flight Schedule in Salesforce. The Flight Schedule is a formatted document that displays all upcoming seminars and special events. 

  • Updated on: Feb 03, 2023
