Add yourself to Salesforce

Search for your contact record

Use the universal search bar at the top of your screen to search all records in Salesforce.

Type in at least 3 letters. You can also use common search functions, like the asterisk wildcard: e.g. Alex* will turn up Alex, Alexa, Alexandra, Alexandre, etc.

Search for your contact record

Review search results

The search bar will return any record related to your search term.

In this example, searching "eana" returned four contact records that contain "eana" in them, in addition to records for an account (my household), campaign, and venture.

Review search results

Outcome 1: A record already exists

If a record already exists, hurray! You can simply update the record with any additional information.

If you find that you do not have access to edit the record, check who the "record owner" is and use Chatter to ask them to share the record with you. [Share a record.]

Please do not create a new one! Duplicate records defeat the purpose of a clean, centralized database where we can collectively track and share information.

Outcome 2: A record does not exist

Create your first Contact record! See the article here for more information on the different record types:

Add your Primary Affiliation

See article on Organization Affiliations here.

The Primary Affiliation Type automatically populates your contact record with the sector (i.e. For Profit, Nonprofit, Government) of the organization you linked to through a formula field.

Your Primary Sector is a lookup to a Sector record. If your primary affiliation organization has a primary sector on its record, this primary sector will also copy over to your contact record. However, if you want to change your primary sector to one that is different from your primary organization, you can lookup to a new Sector record. See more on Sectors here.

Update your contact details, bio, and photo URL

Update your contact details, bio, and photo URL