Key Definitions

Components of an Opportunity Record

Opportunity Records allow us to track a custom leadership seminar sales cycle. Every opportunity (a deal in progress) has an individual record that contains the details about the opportunity, how it’s progressing (stage and activity), supporting documentation (files), the associated relationships (contact roles), and eventual product (special event for the seminar). Opportunities are associated with accounts (organizations) and can also be associated with contacts (people). A user can complete actions such as editing details, moving the deal through the sales process, and adding supporting information to the opportunity record.


A Stage reflects the actual movement within our sales process. Our current Custom Leadership Seminar stages are: Prospecting, Proposal, Contracting, Closed Won, and Closed Lost.


There are three ways to track interactions related to specific opportunities - and the same method can be used to track interactions on a contact, account or other Salesforce records. The first is Log a Note, the second is New Task, and third is using the Salesforce Email Plug-in feature.

All important activities (including email communication with the client, meeting times, notes, and future tasks) related to the opportunity record should be logged.

Upload Supporting Information

High level information such as Proposal(s), Contract, Reader(s), and Moderator LoAs should be uploaded to all Closed Won opportunities. Depending on the stage, an opportunity may only have Proposal(s) linked to it.

Contact Roles

Contact Roles are given to individuals (Contacts) who have a relationship or a certain level of influence ("Decision Maker" or "Influencer") with an Opportunity. If a Contact Record does not exist for an individual in Salesforce, please refer to the section below on how to create a new one before you assigning a role.

Contact Record

Contacts are created to store information about the people the Leadership Division interacts with. Contacts are most often associated with an account, but can also be associated with other records such as opportunities. Create a New Contact Record


The product of a Closed Won opportunity record is the Special Event associated with the contract (or also referred to as the agreement with the external client).

Special Events

For every seminar, a new Special Event record is created.