Create a New Contact Record

Contact records are used to capture information about an individual the Leadership Division interacts with. Contacts are most often associated with an account, but can also be associated with other records such as Opportunities.

Search for Existing Records

Always search first to see if a record exists. For example, before creating a new record for Eana Chung, type "eana" into the top search bar to see if a record already exists.

Search for existing records

From Contacts, Click "New"

From Contacts, Click "New"

Select "Standard" New Contact Record Type

The Standard type should be used for all Executive Leadership Seminar constituents.

Click "Next" and Fill Out the Details

You can create a record with a bare minimum of details: currently, you only need a Last Name. Focus on the contact details first. To flesh out the record, you'll need to connect it to other records (for Primary Affiliation, Engagement, etc.) so it's best to make sure all the records exist first.

Save the record

Click "Save" Once Finished