Opportunity Types
Established Business
- All departments in an organization with a “Closed/Won”, “Processing”, or “Contracting” ELS Salesforce Opportunity Record in existence prior to July 1, 2023.
- An Established Business designation does not apply to an entire company, but only to the department/people named in the existing Opportunity Record.
- The designation of “Established Business” will be discontinued July 1, 2024. From that point on, all business will be either current or new.
New Business
- All new business established by the BDD.
- Business that is brought in through referrals or outreach to Established Business will be designated as New Business. Additionally, individuals linked to a “Closed/Won” Established Business Opportunity Record who move to a new company would be considered New Business.
- All business associated with seminar alumni, AGLN fellows, or any Aspen Institute contacts will be deemed New Business as long as there is no existing “Closed/Won” ELS Salesforce Opportunity Record associated with the individual or organization.
Current Business
- New Business that is re-signed by the BDD (i.e., upon the first engagement, a client is New Business. All subsequent engagements will be considered Current Business).
- Should a “Current Business” client take a 2+-year pause from contracting with the Institute, upon re-signing they would first return as “New Business”.