Creating a New Opportunity Record

On the Opportunities Tab, Click "New" and Select "Default"

Populate the record and save.

  1. Opportunity Name: Name your opportunity. Use the following naming convention: Year Organization Name (include the division/department if appropriate. Example below:
    1.     2023 Mattel Marketing Division
  2. Account Name: Select the account that the opportunity is related to. If more than one account appears, select the one that best represents this opportunity. If no account exists, the user will need to create a new account.
  3. Program: Select “Executive Leadership Seminars” in the Program field.
  4. Type: Select the type that best represents this opportunity (New Business, Current Business, Established Business).
  5. Relationship Manager: type in the Aspen Institute employee who is the primary contact with the client. 
  6. Stage: Select the opportunity’s current stage. The current stages are: Prospecting, Proposal, Contracting, Closed Won, and Closed Lost. Salesforce adds a probability based on the stage selected. If the probability isn’t accurate, the user can change it.
  7. Close Date: The close date is the last date of the year the opportunity would take place in.