Send an Email via Cirrus

This option allows you to CC assistants or other people on the email message and use merge fields to pull in personal information directly from Salesforce.

Send Email through Cirrus Outlook Plug-in

To use this method, you need to download, install, and sign-in to the Cirrus Outlook Plug-in. If you do not already have the plug-in installed, download and install the latest version. Follow instructions here for downloading on a Mac or PC.

Note that functionality for Macs seems to be slightly better in the web mail version of Cirrus versus the desktop version - the screenshots below are from Outlook Webmail on a Mac.

Reach out to Phoebe Copeland at [email protected] with any questions.

Create a new email in Outlook

Create a new email in Outlook and add recipients as usual - note you can also pull in recipient emails and assistant emails using your email template, example below. Open the Cirrus Sidebar by clicking the three dots on the far right of the tool menu at the bottom of your message and choosing the options shown below. It may take a few moments to load.

Create a new email in Outlook

Select an email template

Click the template icon at the top of the sidebar

Select an email template

Navigate to the folder (1) with the email template you need or use the search bar (2) or click "New Template" (3) to create a new template. Click the preview icon (4) to get a quick view of the template, click the "Edit" button (5) to make changes to the template or click on the template name (6) to select the template for use.

Choose your template

If the template is a Lightning Template or  was created in the Cirrus Plug-in, you can make any final edits to your template at this point. Once you're satisfied, click "Save & Merge".

Complete the Merge Fields and Click "Merge"

Choose the correct records for each merge field (in this example, it's just the contact record but you may have templates that are more complicated and include other records as well), then click "Merge".

Review and Send

Review the email, including the subject line, attachments and the CC/BCC lines. You can make additional changes or personalizations directly in the body of the email. The email will send to all recipients upon clicking "Send". 

Review and Send


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