Add a Contact photo

Contact records will often display a headshot. This image field, "Photo," displays the image referenced in the "Profile Picture URL" field above it.

You can add any image URL to the "Profile Picture URL" field on the Contact record.

Add an image URL to the "Profile Picture URL" field on the Contact record.

How to find the image URL

Right click on any image online. You should see an option to "Copy image address."

How to use an attached photo for the Profile Picture URL field.

First, navigate to "Notes & Attachments" and upload an image file to the record.

First, attach an image file to the record.
Next, click on the "View" link to get the URL for where the file is hosted.

Right click on the image and click "Copy Image Address" to copy the url to your clipboard.

Then, copy and paste the URL into the Profile Picture URL field.

Then, copy and paste the URL into the Profile Picture URL field.

Finally, click "Save" and check that the photo displays.

Finally, click "Save" and check that the photo displays.


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