Add Components to your Dashboard

Click the "+ Component" button to get started

Add a component

Choose your first report

All dashboard components are based on existing reports so if haven't already created reports to pull into your dashboard, you'll need to build those first. (Read more here on how to create and edit reports.)

You can navigate through the report folders to find what you're looking for or use the search bar at the top of the pop up window. Once you've found what you're looking for, click "Select".

Selec your report

Adjust display settings for your component

Depending on which "Display As" option you choose, you'll have different options for setting the other parameters of your component. In this example, a horizontal bar chart is being use so there are choices to set the Y and X axis as well as the option to group the Y axis values. Learn more about component parameters here.

Choose display option

Once you choose the appropriate settings,  click "Add" to add your component to your dashboard. Continue to add components until you're satisfied with your dashboard. Then click "Save" and once your dashboard saves, click "Done" to see the published version of the dashboard. Learn more about adjusting your dashboard layout here.


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