Chatter (Basics)

An overview of Chatter in Salesforce & how it can be used in for communication & collaboration. 

What is Chatter?

Chatter is a native Salesforce collaboration application that helps you connect with people and share business information securely and in real time.

Chatter operates like other social applications with feeds, profiles, and groups that can be used to share information, collaborate, and keep up with the latest updates. 

How do I access Chatter?

Chatter is built in to our Salesforce instance. You can find chatter feeds on your home page, on any record within Salesforce or through the Chatter object.

Home page
Object record
Chatter pplication

How do I use Chatter?

You can use chatter the same way you would use any other social platform. Use the newsfeed function to post messages via the feed your homepage or on any Salesforce profile.

You can tag people or groups using the (@) symbol. The tag ensures that your message will pop up in the chatter newsfeed of the person or people you are trying to reach. For example, if I have a question for Eana, I would tag Eana in the post. 

You can also tag specific records if you have a question about a related record. For example, I had a question about duplicate record so I tagged the other record as well as Eana in my post.

How do I use Chatter?

Chatter Profiles

Every Salesforce user has a Chatter Profile. You can access and update your Chatter profile by clicking on your user icon in the top right hand corner and clicking on your name.

Chatter Profiles

Chatter Groups

Chatter groups can be used to share information with a larger group of users at once (Public Groups) or to select Salesforce users (Private Groups).

Each Chatter Group will have a name, a list of members, and a description of the group's purpose. When you post a message in a group, every member of the group gets that note in their newsfeed. 

Chatter Groups

Find, Join or Create a Group

Navigate to the Chatter object and click "Recent Groups". From there you can navigate various list views in order to access all public groups that have been created, along with any private groups to which you belong.  

You can use the "New" button to create a new group and invite members. 

Chatter Notifications

Chatter will send you emails when you are tagged in posts or when other users post in a group you're in. You can edit your chatter notification settings by going to "Settings."

Chatter Notifications

Under the Chatter section, select "Email Notifications." Set your preferences and Save. 


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