Systems Training Sessions - Diving Deeper

New Hires: Select at least two of the topics below for additional training 1-2 weeks after your initial 30-60 minute onboarding call with the Systems Team.

All Salesforce Users: The Systems Team is always available for additional trainings so even if you’ve been a Salesforce user for many years, feel free to reach out about receiving a refresher on any of the topics below.

If there are additional topics you'd like to receive training on, please reach out to the Systems Team. We're is always happy to run bespoke trainings and/or consultations related to any difficulties you're having with Salesforce.

Customizing your Salesforce account - 30 minute Training

Make your Salesforce account easy to navigate and customized to the aspects you use most. Learn more about personalization options such as the following -

  • Pin List Views as your default
  • Customize your navigation bar
  • Leverage your favorites lists
  • Set up your home page

Existing resources: Setting Up Your Account

Special Events - 30 minute training

  • Learn about managing special event details in Salesforce  for everything from a simple office hours sessions to a multi-day event like an the Action Forum to a series of connected event like the Leading in an Era of Globalization seminars

Existing resources: Managing AGLN Seminars

Special Event Attendees - 15 minute training

  • Learn about using list views to manage your special event attendees, understanding logistics fields on special event attendee records, leveraging customized links, etc.

Opportunities - 30 minute training

  • Learn how opportunity records are used and maintained , how permission sets restrict access to records, how to create new opportunity records and link them to other records in Salesforce, etc.

Activities - 15 minute training

  • Learn about tracking notes, calls and internal progress on Salesforce records

Ask about additional trainings on nominations, ventures and campaigns

Analyzing Salesforce Data

Reports - 30 minute training

  • Learn about report types, editing/formatting existing reports, building/formatting new reports, exporting reports, subscribing to receive report digests in your inbox, etc.

Existing resources: Modifying & Creating Reports

Dashboards - 30 minute training

  • Learn how to use reports to build custom dashboards which are a great way to visualize data crucial to your program and constituent

Existing resources: Modifying & Creating Dashboards

Salesforce Integrations

Salesforce/Outlook Plug-In - 30 minute training

  • Learn about how to use the Salesforce plug-in in your outlook inbox to attach emails to Salesforce records

Existing resources: Salesforce Outlook Integration

Campaign Monitor - 30 minute training

  • Used for mass email sends like Newsletters and Class Announcements, Campaign Monitor is fully integrated with Salesforce, allowing for very detailed constituent segmentation and recipient behavior analysis. Systems training will include list building, constituent management and segmentation. For email building and strategy training, reach out to the Comms Team or consult this guide.

Existing resources: Sending emails via Campaign Monitor, Managing Campaign Monitor Lists, Managing Campaign Monitor Segments, Campaign Monitor Reporting

FormAssembly - 15 minute training

  • Learn about where to find form existing links in Salesforce, how to customize forms for individuals and events, how forms connect to Salesforce and how to submit requests for new forms. Each program also has a dedicated FormAssembly lead who can answer specific questions about the way your program uses FormAssembly - if you're unsure who your program's lead is, reach out to the Systems Team.

Existing resources: FormAssembly Resource Center


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