Send an Email through Campaign Monitor

This option is meant for mass emails to an entire Fellowship, Alumni List or the AGLN     as a whole. It can also be used for larger customized email lists, like those for nominations. It does not allow you to CC other people on each email, but does allow you to track open rates and other statistics. This method also affords the most options for style and format and allows for the use of merge fields to pull personalized data into your email.

Follow these links for instructions about List Maintenance and Segment Creation. Also explore these resources from Campaign Monitor to dig deeper into the tool.

From Salesforce Lightning, click the 9 dot grid in the top left and start typing "Campaign Monitor" in the app search bar. Select "Campaign Monitor" from the list.

Note: If you don't see Campaign Monitor as an option in your account, reach out to Phoebe Copeland to ensure you have the correct permission set enabled.

Navigate to Campaign Monitor

Navigate to the "Campaign Monitor" tab in the navigation bar (1) and ensure you're in the correct client by selecting your program from the drop down menu in the top right corner (2) - see these instructions to customize your navigation bar.

Navigate to Campaign Monitor

Create a New Template or Edit an Existing Template

Click on "My Templates" tab in the upper right corner (1). To create a new template, click the "Create a template" button at the top right corner (2). To modify an existing template, click on the gear icon on the appropriate template and choose "Edit" (3).

Click "iContact Send"

Editing an Existing Template

If you need to make a change to this master version, choose "Edit" from the gear icon menu as described above. Use the template builder to make the necessary changes to your template. You can preview your template to ensure it's ready to go and then select "Finish and save template" to save your changes. Reach out to Sam Cherry at [email protected] with questions related to using the template builder.

If your template is ready to go and you're ready to customize for your next send, skip to the instructions on setting up a campaign below.

Edit your template

Setting up a Campaign - Using an Existing Template for a New Send

To prepare a new email based on one of your existing templates, you'll need to create a new campaign. Navigate to the Campaign tab in the navigation bar at the top of your screen and click "Create a campaign".

Reminder: In Campaign Monitor, "campaign" refers to the sending process of an specific email whereas, in Saleforce a "campaign" is a custom list of contacts previously used as the email distribution list.

Duplicate your template

Choose a name for your campaign, this should be a descriptor of that specific email such as "HCF Front Page November 2021" or "2021 AGLN November Bulletin".

Edit your new draft

Then you'll be able to customize the send process for that email. You can add in the subject line (1), customize the sender (2), select recipients (3) and update the email itself (4). You can also set up an A/B test for your email (5). Also be sure to tag your campaign with your program tag to keep things organized (6).

Customize for your email send

Choose your Subject Line

Enter the subject you want for your email and, optionally, include a line of preview text that shows up in most inboxes as the line of subtext that displays below the subject before the recipient opens the email. Additionally, it will display at the very top of the email itself once the it has been opened.

Select send time

Customize Sender Information

To customize your sender information, simply click on "Edit" in the "From" box, then enter the name and email of the person you wan the email to be from. You can also personalize the sender for specific subsets of your subscriber list (1) and opt to use a different email address for replies (2).

Enter sender information

Choose who receives your email

Click on "Select Recipient" in the "To" box to choose which segments of your subscriber list should receive this email. Next, type the segment you want in the search bar or use the filter option to shorten the list displayed and browse for the segment you need. Once you've selected all segments you want to send to, click "Save" at the bottom left of the page.

Note: You can still segment specific content within your email after this step.

Follow these links (coming soon) for more information about List Management and Segment Creation.

Choose segments

Update your email

Click on "Use a template" and select the template you would like to use from the list.

Choose your template from the list

Now you can use the template builder to update your draft and prepare your email to be sent. Click on the gear icon beside "Build" to customize your email-wide formatting settings. Use the "Review & test" and "Preview" buttons to ensure your email is ready to go! Once you're ready to go, click "Save & next" button to return to you send checklist.

Customize email

Review & Test your Email

From the campaign checklist page, click on the "Preview & test" button to ensure your message is ready to go. There are a few ways to review your message.

Preview email: Look through your email with its final formatting and view the message as a random or specific participant to ensure merge fields are working correctly. More information below.

Run inbox test: Campaign Monitor can generate previews of how your email will show up onvarious email servers and devices.

Send a test email: Send a preview to your inbox or to other team members. Note: You won't see personalized content from merge fields using this method, fallback language will display for all recipients.

Copy link to preview: This will copy a url to your clipboard which will take you to a new webpage with a preview of your message. This is a public url which will display fallback language not personalization.

Email Test Options

Preview Email with Personalization

To ensure that merge fields and personalized links are working properly, choose the "Preview email" option from the "Preview & test" menu. You'll have the option to view the email as a random recipient, specific recipient (note that the contact must be a member of the selected segment(s) to pull in here) or you can view the email with the fallback content.

Customized email preview

Prepare to send

Click on "Prepare & send" button, then choose if you want to send the campaign immediately or schedule it for later. If you choose to send later, you can opt to specify the delivery time to each recipient's local time zone or choose one time for all delivery.

Select your Sender

After you click "Continue", you have the option to incude up to 5 email addresses to receive a notification once the send is complete. Once you're all set, click "Send now" to initiate the send process immediately.

Add notification email

Once sent, email analysis and reporting will be available in Campaign Monitor and on recipients' contact records in Salesforce.

Follow this link to learn more about reporting.