Reporting in Campaign Monitor

General Campaign Analytics

To view robust, overarching analytics for your email send within Campaign Monitor, navigate to the Campaigns tab in the subnavigation of Campaign Monitor and click on the name of your sent campaign. Note that drafts will appear first on the page and sent messages will be below the drafts.

Navigate to Campaign Monitor

Once your click into your campaign, you'll see an overall campaign snapshot with a menu of options along the left hand side with various reporting views.

Snapshot: On this page, you'll see high level statistics of viewing, clicking and delivery trends for your email.


A/B Results: Here you'll view open rates, click rates (overall and by link) and unsubscribe information for each version of your email.

Note: You'll only have this page if you used A/B testing in your campaign.

A/B Results

Recipient Activity: Here you can view recipient behavior for each contact as well as a closer look into who opened, clicked and unsubscribed from your email. You'll also detailed information about how many times someone opened the email and which links they clicked on. Each of these categories is available for export as a csv file.

Recipient Activity

List & Segment Performance: This view allows you to see how recipients behaved when viewed by their segment subgroups. This is an example of why it may be helpful to use segments when sending you email even if the segments are all receiving the same message.

Lists& Segments

Link Activity & Overlay: In this view, analytics are organized by link activity and it gives you a quick view of which of your links is getting the most interaction. The Activity tab will give you overall statistics but the Email Overlay tab (pictured below) is a great to see how recipients responded to each section of your email. In either view, you can click on the link to see which contacts specifically clicked on the link.

Link Activity & Overlay

Worldview: Here you'll see a map with pins for each unique open and click from your recipients based on their geographical location. This view populates in real time so it can be a lot of fun to watch the pins start to drop as soon as you send your email.


Bounce Summary: The bounce summary is a great way to check in on the data health of your recipient list and determine when contact information may need to be updated. Learn more about the difference between hard and soft bounces here.

Bounce Summary

Opens & Clicks Over Time: Here you'll see recipient open and click rates on a linear time axis as well as overall information about how many people opened and clicked by day. You can always click the "who" hyperlink to see the specific contacts that took that action.

Opens & Clicks Over Time

Social Sharing: If you post your campaign on social and others share it, you'll see analytics about that behavior here.

Social Sharing

Email Client Usage: This tab shows which email clients are used by recipients. Note that the data here can sometimes be difficult to interpret since Campaign Monitor reports on a mixture of device information and email client information.

Email Client Usage

Analytics by Contact

If you'd like to see actions taken by a specific contact, search for them in the subscribers section of the Lists & Subscribers tab. You'll notice that individuals have a different contact card for each list they are a part of.

Search for a subscriber

Click on the recipient's name on the contact card you're interested in and you'll see that recipient's overall activity and email specific behavior for emails sent to them via that list. Note that emails sent through other lists will show up on a different contact card.

Recipient Behavior