Create and Modify Campaign Monitor Lists

Lists Overview

Each program has its own master list of contacts in Campaign Monitor - think of the master list as the total universe of all the contacts you might ever want to email. You'll use segments to further divide your master list for specific email sends, more information on that here. To view the lists within your client, navigate to the "Lists & Subscribers" tab in the sub-navigation bar within Campaign Monitor.

Note that each Campaign Monitor Client (AGLN, Executive Leadership Seminars and Weave) may have multiple lists to define specific populations. Every list operates as an independent subscriber list which means that someone could unsubscribe from the AGLN Master List without unsubscribing from the Weave Master List or the FLF Master List (even if the lists are in the same client).

Once Systems has worked with you to set up your program's Master List, it's up to you to ensure the list is staying up to date and the relevant information is syncing from Salesforce.

Campaign Monitor Lists

Import Methods

All contacts in Campaign Monitor are synced from Salesforce using the Import Wizard in the "Subscriber Lists" tab in the main Campaign Monitor navigation bar. Note that this is a one way sync from Salesforce to Campaign Monitor so changes made to a contact in Salesforce will update that contact's information in  Campaign Monitor but not the other way around.

Navigate to the Subscriber Lists tab and click on the list that you want to modify. Then choose Import Wizard from the menu on the left hand side. To complete a new import, click "New Import" and choose your import method from the menu. To adjust import settings for an existing import, click on the name of the import you want to update.

Navigate to Import Wizard

There are three main methods for importing contacts from Salesforce - Reports, Campaigns and List Views. Learn more about each option below.

Choose Import Method

Option 1: Reports (Recommended)

Basing a list import on a Salesforce report is the most dynamic option because as new contacts fit the criteria of your report in Salesforce, they'll be automatically included in the report and thus imported to Campaign Monitor. Additionally, if information is updated in Salesforce for your contact, that update with sync to Campaign as well (as long as they still fit the report filters).

You can use report filters to define the  population in Salesforce and then use the report outline to choose what information about each contact you want to be able to sync to Campaign Monitor. Typically, reports for Campaign Monitor are based on the Contact object in Salesforce which gives you the widest array of options for what information you want to sync to Campaign Monitor for each contact because you can pull in any field on the Contact record. Learn more about creating and modifying Salesforce reports here.

One thing to watch out for: If a contact no longer fits your report criteria at all (ex. drop out of an event or Fellowship), their new status in Salesforce won't sync to Campaign Monitor since they're now excluded from the report that's syncing to Campaign Monitor so whatever information was included in the last import in which they were included will remain on their contact card in Campaign Monitor. In this case, it's best to make necessary changes to that contact card manually in Campaign Monitor.

To import a new report click, "New Import" and select "Salesforce Report" from the menu. To adjust import settings for an existing Salesforce report import, click on the name of the import you want to update. Choose or confirm the Report Folder and Report Name and click next


Choose your report

Option 2: Campaigns

Using a campaign can be a good option if you have a very custom list of contacts that you need to sync to Campaign Monitor which can't be defined by report filters. However, choosing this method decreases the number of fields you can pull in for each contact since you're pulling in information from a Campaign Member record instead of a Contact record. And, while you can still schedule a Salesforce Campaign for regular imports, you'll need to manually keep your campaign up to date in Salesforce to ensure that the correct contacts are pulling in. Learn more about creating and modifying campaigns here.

To import a new campaign click, "New Import" and select "Salesforce Campaign" from the menu. To adjust import settings for an existing Salesforce campaign import, click on the name of the import you want to update. Choose or confirm the Campaign and Campaign Statuses and click "Next".


Choose your campagin

Option 3: List Views

List views are also a good way to define your population narrowly if you need a specific group to be synced over to Campaign Monitor. First \select the Salesforce object want to import (that is, which record types) and then choose the specific list view from the list. The information you'll be able to pull in for each contact will be determined by which fields you've chosen for display in the List View in Salesforce. Learn more about creating and modifying List Views here.

To import a new list view click, "New Import" and select "Salesforce List View" from the menu. To adjust import settings for an existing Salesforce list view import, click on the name of the import you want to update. Choose or confirm the Salesforce Object and List View name and click "Next".

Choose your list view

Mapping Fields

Map the fields from Salesforce that you want to be included in on your recipients' Campaign Monitor contact card. The fields that show up in the "Salesforce Field" column are fields that appear as column headers in your report or list view or information on a Campaign Member record depending on which import method you chose. If you chose Report or List View and you don't see a field that you need, go to your Report or List View in Salesforce and add that field into your report outline or List View.

Note that the fields you map are the criteria you will base your segmentation on. So, if you know you'll want a segment based on where someone lives, be sure to map in Mailing State or another location field that you can base your location segment criteria on.

Always be sure to map First Name, Last Name, Full Name and Email. Including Contact ID is also required if you plan to include any personalized form links in your mailings. Beyond that, choose whatever other fields will help you create the segments you need. If there isn't an existing Campaign Monitor field to which you can map your Salesforce field, feel free to create a new Campaign Monitor field for the new information.

Map your fields

Import Options

From the main page of the Import Wizard, you can see which imports are populating your list, whether they're scheduled or inactive, when they're scheduled to run and the status of the last run. See below for more information about scheduling or running inactive imports.

Import status

Option 1: Scheduled Import

In order for your list to stay dynamic, you have the option to schedule your import to run at regular intervals such as every hour, day or week. Toggle the "Schedule" slider to "Active" then choose which day(s) and time(s) you want your report to run. A good default is to have your import run every night at midnight but it's up to you to choose the settings that are right for you use case. As you'll see below, you can always run your import ad hoc. Once you're happy with your settings, click "Save & Import" to begin your import.

Note: Imports can take several minutes to complete depending on the size of the import.

Choose import times

Option 2: One-Off Import

You also have the option to run your import a single time, without scheduling additional imports. Leave the "Schedule" slider on "Inactive" and click "Import Now" to begin your import. This can be a good choice if you're importing a very static contact list that you don't expect to change but as you'll see below, you can also run your import ad hoc.

Note: Imports can take several minutes to complete depending on the size of the import.

Inactive import

To re-run your import on as needed, click the down arrow beside the status column and choose "Run Now". If you're ready to send your email and you or others on your team have made changes to contact records in Salesforce since the last time your import ran, be sure to choose the "Run Now" option before sending to ensure your lists and segments are up to date.

Run report ad hoc