Salesforce for Leadership ProgramsGeneralSending Emails Sending EmailsDetermine which Method to use to Send Your Email

Determine which Method to use to Send Your Email

There are a few different ways to send mass emails through Salesforce. Use this guide to learn the pros and cons of each method and determine the best way to send your email. 

OPTION 1: Send Individual Emails

This option is the most time consuming method, but helpful when you need to CC assistants or other people on the email message - e.g. emailing seminar participants about travel information. Individual emails can be sent directly through Salesforce or through the Cirrus Outlook plug-in. Either method allows you to use merge fields to pull in personal information directly from Salesforce.


  • How will this option make my communications more effective and efficient? Using Salesforce or the Cirrus plug in allows you to send a personalized, direct email with specific information pulled in directly from Salesforce. It's a great way to simplify our high touch communication style. And if you opt for the Cirrus method, from the recipient perspective, they're still receiving a personal email from your inbox!
  • How can using this option decrease message content errors? Whether you send directly from Salesforce or use the Cirrus plug in, direct mailings allow you to send very personalized, custom message to your constituents while automatically pulling in their information from Salesforce, cutting down on user error related to copy/pasting information from one platform to another.
  • What information can be pulled into an email using merge fields? As long as they're correctly configured, merge fields can pull from a contact records and one other Salesforce object (ie. Special Event Attendee record) which means you can have highly specified information pulling into one message.

Follow these steps to send an individual email to a contact or campaign member. 

OPTION 1: Send Individual Emails

OPTION 2: Email a Campaign

This option is best for emailing groups of 2-50 people (e.g. a single class, seminar participants, or other small group events). It does not allow you to CC other people on each email and does not allow you to track open rates or other statistics. You can use merge fields to pull personalized data from Salesforce into your email. Please note Salesforce has a mass send limit of 500 emails per day through this method. 


  • What's an example of a good use case for this option? This method is especially helpful when you're sending a simply message with personalization such as a logistics form, contact update form or event survey. Salesforce can do the heavy lifting of ensuring that forms are personalized and pre-filled while you only have to worry about sending one email.
  • What information can be pulled into an email using merge fields? As long as they're correctly configured, merge fields can pull from any Salesforce object which means you can have information from their Contact record, a related Special Event record and a related Special Event Attendee record all pulling into the same message.
  • What if I want more formatting options than the built in rich text editor? Stay tuned for more information coming soon about Salesforce Lightning Email Templates! In the meantime, reach out with any specific questions you have or if you're unsure whether Method 2 or 3 suits your mailing best.

Follow these steps to send an email to a campaign. 

OPTION2: Email a Campaign

OPTION 3: Mass Email through Campaign Monitor

This option is meant for mass emails to an entire Fellowship, Alumni List or the AGLN as a whole. It can also be used for larger customized email lists, like those for nominations. It does not allow you to CC other people on each email, but does allow you to track open rates and other statistics. This method also affords the most options for style and format and allows for the use of merge fields to pull personalized data into your email.


  • Is your constituent data in Salesforce accurate? The segments you create in Campaign Monitor are only as accurate as the data you have logged in Saleforce. If personal information is out dated or being tracked in your brain instead of in Salesforce, your segments based on that information are going to be faulty.
  • Is your mailing list highly customized? Campaign Monitor is built for scale and automation, not high touch, hyper-personalized communication. If the people you want to send your mailing to are a custom, curated population (ie. can't be defined by 1 or 2 fields from the contact record), Campaign Monitor is likely not the best option for this mailing.
  • Is your mailing list based on information that's not captured on Contact records? It can be very complicated and/or not feasible to build segments on information from Salesforce objects (ex. Special Events)other than the Contact object.
  • How is merge field use limited in Campaign Monitor? Any information you want to pull into an email using a merge field must live on the contact's contact card in Campaign Monitor. If information is in Salesforce but hasn't been synced over to the Campaign Monitor contact card, you won't be able to pull it into your email.
  • Why is it recommended to segment based on fields on the Contact record? In Salesforce, one contact can belong to multiple campaigns and have numerous special events or opportunities connected to their contact record - that's what gives us such a complete picture of our constituents! In Campaign Monitor however, there are no associated objects related to the contact, they simply have one contact card which holds all information that is synced from Salesforce. As a result, each field on the contact card can only hold one value at a time which is why using values from a person's Contact record in Salesforce is the most reliable way to segment your constituents.

Follow these steps to send a mass email through Campaign Monitor.

OPTION 3: Mass Email through iContact