
Welcome to Salesforce for the Aspen Institute's Leadership Division!

As you get started in the system, you'll find you have lots of questions. First, the terminology may be unfamiliar if you haven't used Salesforce before. Second, you may not be certain as to where to find different information and how to pull reports for the information you need. Third, it seems that Salesforce can do so much but you want to learn to make it work for you.

This guide is meant to help you navigate Salesforce, the data management system that underlies much of our work. Salesforce is not just a contact database; it's central to our workflow, program development, and is the foundation of our online community. 

Here are some of the core processes we run through Salesforce in relation to our priorities as outlined in the Aspen Global Leadership Network strategic wheel:

Quadrant 1: Amaze, Delight & Challenge

  1. Manage new class nominations for Fellowship program
  2. Manage seminar planning, from sending emails and tracking participant details to preparing materials for the seminar and collecting feedback
  3. Manage readings/curriculum database
  4. Track moderator progress & training

Quadrant 2: Connect the Dots

  1. Manage planning of Alumni Seminars and the annual Resnick Aspen Action Forum
  2. Integrate key data from Salesforce with our website 

Quadrant 3: Make a Difference

  1. Manage Fellow’s venture development (for internal programs)
  2. Track Fellow’s venture updates (for internal & external programs)
  3. Manage venture opportunities, including the McNulty Prize & Braddock Scholars program
  4. Send targeted emails to share AGLN news & stories of the network

Quadrant 4: Build to Last

  1. Platform for staff collaboration
  2. Track program governance 

This guide will help you learn how to navigate Salesforce and begin integrating into the system’s processes.