2018 McNulty Prize How To Guide
Salesforce How To Guide (Google Doc)
From Nina Sawhney (v. 12/5/18)
II. Creating McNulty Engagements
II. Updating existing McNulty Engagements
III. Creating Ventures & Venture Contacts
IV. Email Segments for Annual Prize Cultivation
I. Notes & Definitions
IMPORTANT: Please enter data with extreme caution.
John P. McNulty Prize
The following are classes currently existing in the John P. McNulty Prize program in Salesforce.
McNulty Prize 2008 |
McNulty Prize 2013 |
McNulty Prize 2018 |
McNulty Prize 2009 |
McNulty Prize 2014 |
McNulty Prize 2010 |
McNulty Prize 2015 |
McNulty Prize 2011 |
McNulty Prize 2016 |
McNulty Prize 2012 |
McNulty Prize 2017 |
An Engagement describes a particular relationship between the Contact and a Program (John P. McNulty Prize), and is also connected to a particular Class or cohort, so in our case, the particular year of the McNulty Prize, as well as the specific venture that is associated.
II. Creating McNulty Engagements
What is an ENGAGEMENT?
An Engagement describes a particular relationship between the Contact and a Program (John P. McNulty Prize), and is also connected to a particular Class or cohort, so in our case, the particular year of the McNulty Prize.
Contacts may be part of multiple classes because of their varying engagements
i.e. Jay Coen Gilbert was a Laureate in the class McNulty Prize 2011, and was a Winner in 2015.
Engagement Status Options
Nominated: This engagement indicates that the fellow/venture has been recommended for the Prize by either the Fdn or AGLN.
Inactive - Not Involved: The Fellow is no longer active with the venture or has dropped it, thus they are ineligible (can later be changed if fellow gets involved again).
Inactive - Fit Issue: This fellow/venture is not a good fit for the Prize (i.e. conflict of interest, etc).
1st Round This fellow/venture applied to the McNulty Prize
2nd Round: This fellow/venture made it past the first round of deliberations
Laureate: This fellow/venture made it through the second round of deliberations and has been named a Laureate
Winner: This fellow/venture has been named the Winner of the McNulty Prize
Catalyst Fund Recipient: This fellow/venture has been selected as a Catalyst Fund Recipient
To Create a McNulty Engagement, follow these steps:
Step 1. Search for the contact and click on the contact’s record
(make sure to do this for all contacts related to a joint project, ie all three B Lab founders)
Step 2. Hover your mouse over “Engagement”, and create New Engagement
Select Prize as the type of engagement
Step 3. Look up ‘venture’ name with magnifying glass (has to be perfectly spelled, so
better to look up using the magnifying glass. You can also open a new tab to check whether the venture exists in the system.)
If the venture does not exist in the system, follow the steps below to create a new venture & venture contact.
Step 4. Choose “status” - ie Nominated
Step 5. Indicate program: John P. McNulty Prize
Step 7. Indicate Class: which year of the Prize this is related to - ie McNulty Prize 2016
Example: since Rejane won the prize in 2014, her Class would be “McNulty Prize 2014”
Step 8: Add McNulty Notes - these are restricted and only viewable by our team. Add any short-hand notes about status here. Other related notes that are not confidential, can go into the ‘Notes’ field - ie who nominated this person and in what year.
Step 9: Add nomination record - who nominated this person and when?
Step 10: Check to make sure everything is correctly inputted
II. Updating existing McNulty Engagements
Many people we interact with for the Prize will have multiple engagements, which shows us exactly how they have engaged with the Prize over the years.
Engagements with status ‘nominated’ are the only ones whose status and year can be updated directly. If someone has an existing McNulty Engagement that is status ‘Nominated’ from any year earlier, we simply update the status on the existing engagement when they first submit an application, by updating the status and the year.
For anyone who has previously applied, we want to maintain the record of their previous application and how far they got. Thus, if they apply again in a future year, simply clone the existing engagement, and update the status and year as necessary.
If someone is nominated in 2016, and then flagged as high potential again in 2017, we would not update the year of their engagement, we would simply add a new nomination record to reflect the new nomination, and indicate this in the notes section.
Take the fake example of John Smith - he was nominated in 2013, applied in 2015, made it to the 2nd round in 2016, and was selected as a Laureate in 2018. We want to be able to record and track each of these milestones.
In the above example, the engagement created in 2013 with status ‘nominated’ would be directly updated to status ‘1st Round’ and the year would be updated to 2015.
However, the future engagements would all be recorded as separate, new engagements. So in 2016, when John applied again, the 2015 engagement would be cloned as a new engagement, and the year would change to 2016, and the status would change to ‘2nd Round’. In 2018, the 2016 engagement would again be cloned as a new engagement, and the year would change to 2018, and status changed to ‘Laureate’.
III. Creating Ventures & Venture Contacts
What is a VENTURE?
An Engagement describes a particular relationship between the Contact and a Program (John P. McNulty Prize), including the year, status, and also the particular venture that’s associated with applying or being nominated to the Prize.
The Fellow’s venture should already exist in the system; however, there are times when we hear of new (or renewed, or re-named) ventures before the AGLN team, and will have to create them in the system ourselves.
To create a new Venture, follow these steps:
Step 1. First, search for the venture and make sure it doesn’t already exist. Be sure you know the exact name and are spelling it correctly, as Salesforce is case sensitive.
Step 2. Click on the ‘Ventures’ tab on the top bar.
Step 3. Click on the small button that says ‘New’ towards the middle of the page
Step 4. Select ‘Venture’ for the venture record type.
Step 5. Venture Title: Type in the name of the venture
Step 6. Status: In most cases, ventures related to the McNulty Prize will have the status ‘Active,’ but they may also be ‘Designing,’ ‘Stalled,’ ‘Dropped’, or ‘Completed’.
Step 7. Lead Contact: Make sure to select the Lead Contact, or Fellow, associated with this venture. This is a crucial step.
Step 8: Other information: If you know the primary country, or venture area, feel free to fill those fields in. If any information is unclear, it is best to leave the fields blank.
Step 9: Click Save and return to the Venture’s page
Every time you create a new Venture, you must also create a Venture Contact:
Step 1. On the Venture’s page, scroll down to the 2nd related list called ‘Venture Contacts’ and click on the button ‘New Venture Contact’
Step 2. Look up the Contact’s name who is associated with this Venture.
Step 3. Indicate whether this Venture is the Contact’s primary venture and whether they are the lead contact for the venture by checking the two boxes accordingly. This is important because any correspondence or action related to the venture will apply to the lead contact.
Step 4. Click Save and return to Venture page to verify all information.
IV. Email Segments for Annual Prize Cultivation
This section explains how we create the various groups for varying types of outreach each year for Prize application cultivation.
Segmentations - For Building Reports & Campaigns (to be updated each year)
S1: Previously Applied but not a Laureate (has gotten to 1st round or 2nd round in past)
Create two separate Cross-Filters:
Contacts with Engagements WHERE
Program = John P. McNulty Prize AND
Class != (not equal to) McNulty Prize Current Year AND
Status = 1st Round, 2nd Round
Contacts without Engagements WHERE
Class = McNulty Current Year AND
Status = 1st, 2nd, Laureate, Winner, Inactive
Contacts without Engagement WHERE
Status = Laureate, Winner
S2: Previously Invited but Hasn’t Applied (nominated in any year but the current year, with no other engagement statuses)
Two separate Cross-Filters:
Contacts with Engagements WHERE
Program = John P. McNulty Prize AND
Class !=(not equal to) McNulty Prize Current Year AND
Status = Nominated
Contacts without Engagements WHERE
Status = 1st, 2nd, Laureate, Winner, Inactive
S3: Newly nominated this year (no past engagements of any kind)
Two separate Cross-Filters:
Contacts with Engagements WHERE
Program = John P. McNulty Prize AND
Class = McNulty Prize Current Year AND
Status = Nominated
Contacts without Engagements WHERE
Program = McNulty AND
Class != (not equal) McNulty Prize Current Year
S4: Previously was a Laureate (any past Laureate who has not been a Winner and was not a Laureate in the immediately previous year)
Two separate Cross-Filters:
Contacts with Engagement WHERE
Program = John P. McNulty Prize AND
Class !=(not equal) McNulty Prize Previous Year AND
Status = Laureate
Contacts without Engagement WHERE
Program = John P. McNulty Prize
Status = Winner, Inactive
S5: Catalyst Fund Recipients (recipients of the Catalyst Fund, not including Laureates)
Two separate Cross-Filters:
Contacts with Engagement WHERE
Program = John P. McNulty Prize AND
Status = Catalyst Fund Recipient
Contacts without Engagement WHERE
Program = John P. McNulty Prize AND
Status = Winner, Laureate