McNulty Prize Expression of Interest

From: McNulty Prize Call for Interest Form [Google Doc]

Process Guide 


Process Guide 

How people come across the Expression of Interest (EOI) form

  • Personalized links used on AGLN e-blast and available in AGLN Dashboard (i.e. fellows should be able to sign in and find it by navigating to resources > mcnulty prize) 
  • A public form link can also be hosted on Fdn website pages or forwarded on whatsapp/emails by partners

How McNulty Fdn interacts with the data 

  • This report will contain all expressions of interest
  • Ideally we could view individually completed forms, as well as aggregate responses of everyone who has submitted the form (i.e. in a report or spreadsheet)
  • Ideally we could have a standing report that produces the list of everyone who has submitted an EOI form -- grouped by who responded yes to the operating over 2 years question, and then showing responses. 
  • This would become our primary cultivation source for the Prize pipeline. We would then conduct outreach to fellows to submit a full application.

Where the form/data lives on Salesforce

  • The form will create or update the contact’s engagement record for the current year’s class (currently McNulty Prize 2022). EC/PC will need to update the form with the current class when you want it to start linking to a new class, e.g. McNulty Prize 2023.
  • The full response text will be added as an Activity on the engagement record (REVIEW)
  • The response PDF will be added as an Attachment (REVIEW)
  • See here for mapping of the questions to the Engagement record.
  • Nina/Abiola will receive email notifications for every new submission. These email notifications are set up on FormAssembly.
  • The respondent will receive an email confirmation of their submission (see text below).
  • This report will contain all expressions of interest
  • The prefilled form will look up whether the Fellow has an engagement record for the current McNulty class. If so, it will update that record. If not, it will create one.
  • The general link will look up the Fellow’s contact record by Last Name & Email. If there is a match, the form will create the McNulty engagement record. If there is no exact match, the form can a) skip creating the engagement record - this will require us to monitor these responses, update with the correct Contact ID, and then resend the submission through the Salesforce connectors or b) create a new (duplicate) contact record and create the McNulty engagement record there - this will require us to monitor these responses and manually merge the duplicate contact records.

Engagement Record