Program Outreach & Leadership Check-Ins

How to Track Program Outreach & Leadership Check-Ins

We use Salesforce Activities to track Check-Ins and Campaigns for more formal meetings.

1. Navigate to a Program record and hover over the Activity History related list. Click Log a Call.

2. Complete all relevant fields. Make sure to set the Designation field to either Program Outreach Check-In or Leadership Check-In since this will update statistics on the parent Program record.

If you’d like to add multiple Contacts to this Activity, click on the magnifying glass next to the Contact lookup field. Search and add as many Contacts as you’d like and click Save.

If you’d like to log private notes to the Executive team, put those notes in the Executive Notes field. These are only visible to users with the Executive Notes Permission Set. For more information, contact your System Administrator.

Optionally create a follow up task below, or leave those fields blank.

Click Save.

Success! You’ve now logged a check-in and the data will be taken into account on the Program record when calculating the last and next check-in dates.


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