Board Members & Country Committees

How to Track Board Members & Country Committees

There are two steps to adding someone to a board, council or committee. Step one is to affiliate the Contact to the Program (long-term) and step two is to add them to a particular instance of a board, council or committee (short-term snapshot in time)

1. Navigate to a Contact record. The first step is to affiliate the Contact to the Program/Organization. Hover over the Organization Affiliations related list and click New Affiliation.

Set the relevant fields. In particular, you’ll need to set the Organization and Program lookup fields. If there is no Organization, you can use the Aspen Institute as the parent Org. You can optionally set the role start and end dates here as well.

Please make sure to select the appropriate organization affiiliation type. If the Contact is a board member of the organization, then select Board Member in the organization affiliation type field.

Click Save

This tracks the Contact’s long term affiliation to a Program, but we also want to track participation in a particular instance of this board, council or committee. We’ll use a Campaign to bundle these Contacts into a board, council or committee as a snapshot in time for a particular year. To get started, click on the Campaigns tab.

Follow the same steps as creating a Board, Council or Committee Meeting, however use the naming convention of “Pahara 2016 Board Members.”

Optionally use a Parent Campaign such as “Pahara Board Members” or “2016 Board Members”


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