Navigating the Home page

Salesforce layout

Salesforce is set within a frame so that you can easily navigate across the site. The top section and sidebar (boxed below) appear throughout the site so that you can easily access the universal search, your account, the navigation bar, and the sidebar. Note: to save space, the sidebar does not appear on the Reports and Dashboard pages.

Salesforce layout

Elements of the home page


1. Search - the universal search bar (See: Basics)

2. User Menu - includes My Profile and My Settings (See: Settings)

3. "App" Menu - a dropdown to change your view of objects in the Navigation Bar

4. Navigation Bar - shortcuts to your most commonly used objects (See: Objects and Records)

5. Sidebar - a collapsible section with various elements (See below)


6. Chatter - a "news feed" for user activity and updates on Salesforce (See: Chatter)

7. Dashboard - a dashboard of your choosing to be displayed on your home page (See: Dashboards)

Elements of the home page

Salesforce sidebar

The sidebar includes:

AGLN Guide - articles from ScreenSteps that are related to the page you are on

Custom Links

Custom Templates

Recent Items

Recycle Bin