Using List Views to Manage Special Event Attendees

List views are a great way to see and edit information about special event attendees without having to navigate into specific special event attendee records.

Creating a new list view

Navigate to the "Special Event Attendees" tab via your navigation bar or the 9 dot matrix on the top left of your display.

Special event tab

Click the gear icon in the top right of your screen and select "New".

Create new list view

Name your list view and choose who can see it, then click "Save".

Name and save

Adjusting your filters

Change the "Filter by Owner" to "All special event attendees" then additional filters to narrow in on the attendees you're interested in.  In this example, the list view has been filtered by special event name, status and record type - these are good filters to start with and you can iterate from there depending on your use case.

Add filters

You can also add filter logic to create a more complex list view. In the example below, the list view will include all attendees for 2022-23 Globalization Seminar - San Diego (Group 1) or 2022-23 Globalization Seminar - San Diego (Group 2).

Filter logic

Adjusting the information that pulls into a list view

By default, your list view will be be pretty bare bones but you can pull in up to 15 fields to display at a time. Click the gear icon at the top right of your screen and click "Select Fields to Display".

Select Fields to Display

Select which fields you want to include in the "Available Fields" column (1) and add them to your display by clicking the right arrow (2).  You can reorder the fields in the "Visible Fields" column by selecting the field you want to move and clicking the up and down arrows (3) - the top field listed will show up as the furthest left column. To remove a field, select the field from the "Visible Fields" column and click the left arrow (4). Click save to keep your changes and return to the list view.

Choose field

Changes made to which fields are displayed will be reflected in the list view for all users who have access to the list view so be sure to coordinate with your team if you're making changes to a shared list view.

Using your list view

A list view that displays the information you need to quickly reference about your participants is a great resource for managing event attendees. In addition, list views also allow you to edit information for your attendees without navigating to their special event attendee record. Simply click on the pencil icon in the field you want to change and update the value of the field as needed.

In-line edits

To update multiple records at once, select the boxes on the left of each record that needs to be changed and check the "Update # selected items" before hitting "Apply".

Update multiple records
  1. You can only in-line edit fields found on the special event record, you cannot in-line edit fields found on the contact record or from another object.
  2. You must filter the list view by a single record type in order to enable in-line editing.

Alternate Display Options

In addition to the standard list view display, the Kanban & Split View display options give you more ways to navigate your data.

Kanban View: This display allows you to view your records in columns based on a specific field value. In the example below, this view gives a quick way to see where attendees are with their Readings Status. You can also drag and drop records between columns to quickly update.


Split View: This view give you a side panel which displays all records in your list view and a main display of any record you click into from the list view. From there, you can easily review the entire record and make changes to it directly.

Split View

Cloning an existing list view

Rather than creating an entirely new list view, you can also clone an existing list view and make edits as needed.

Clone a list view