Creating Special Events

Special Event Record Types

Each special event record type has a short description to help you choose which type to use for you event. Pick the one tha fits your use case best. Depending on your Salesforce profile & role, you may not see all special event types pictured below.

Special Event Record Types

If you're creating a series of events or an event that's similar to one that already exists, you can use the "Clone" button to speed up your process. Click the down arrow at the top right of the record and click "Clone" then update the details of the record for the new event.

AGLN Events

This event type should be used for all AGLN Fellowship events such as seminars, alumni gatherings, virtual events and class reunions. Inclue as much information for the event as possible.

Two exceptions to this are that Resnick Aspen Action Forum should use the Action Forum record type and Leading in an Era of Globalization should be created as a Special Event Group with the individual seminar events linked to the group (and created with the AGLN Events type).

When creating an event for an AGLN Seminar, please use the following naming convention: 2016 Health Class 2-1 (Year when the seminar takes place, Program name, Class #, Seminar #)

AGLN Events

Special Event Group

This type should be used for Leading in an Era of Globalization or other series of events. The individual events themselves can use whatever record type is most appropriate.

Special Event Group

Action Forum

This type should only be use for the Resnick Aspen Action Forum.

Action Forum

Internal Events

This type should be used for all events hosted by the Leadership Division for internal audiences  including Staff Retreats, Division All Staff Meetings, Internal Staff Seminars, etc.

Internal Events

Leadership Seminars

This type should be used for all events run by the Aspen Executive Seminars department including The Aspen Executive Seminar, virtual events like Connected Learning or Flash Seminars, Justice & Society Seminars, etc.

Leadership Seminars

Weave Programs

This type should be used for all events run by Weave: The Social Fabric Project including Office Hours, Community Events, Weaver Awards Gatherings, etc.

Leadership Seminars