Special Event Attendees

Special Event Attendee Record Types

Choose the Special Event Attendee type that best matches the attendee you're adding.

Special Event Attendee Record Types
AGLN Attendee

Some information, such as name and class will pull in from the attendee's Contact Record.

Form links on the Special Event Attendee will be automatically populated with the attendee's Contact ID after the "cid=" phrase in the linked urls.

The logistics form is linked to the "Timeline" and "Travel & Lodging" sections. Depending on what values are populated in the Status fields, the logistics form will display differently. Additionally, information submitted via the logistics form will automatically populate to these fields.

AGLN Attendee

For Moderators (1) and Staff (2) who should be included in the evaluation, check the "Include in Evaluation" checkbox and input their evaluation criteria in the appropriate fields in the Notes section.

Eval criteria
Action Forum Attendee

All logistical information for attendees is tracked on their special event attendee record. For invited guests and other VIPs, special event attendees may be created before the individual registers to track their invitation status and other relevant event details.

Check boxes in the "Emails" section will send an auto generated email directly to the attendee.

Form links will be automatically personalized with the attendee's Contact ID.

Community Criteria and Action Forum Segment in the "Statistics" section determine where and if the attendee is displayed on the Action Forum section of the AGLN website.

Action Forum

Action Forum Youth

This is simplified special event attendee record just for youth who are attending the Action Forum.

Action Forum Youth
Seminars Participant

Some information, such as name and affiliation will pull in from the attendee's Contact Record.

Form links on the Special Event Attendee will be automatically populated with the attendee's Contact ID after the "cid=" phrase in the linked urls.

The logistics form is linked to the "Timeline" and "Travel & Lodging" sections. Depending on what values are populated in the Status fields, the logistics form will display differently. Additionally, information submitted via the logistics form will automatically populate to these fields.

Seminars Participant

Seminar Guest

This is simplified special event attendee record for guests who are participating in  Executive Seminar programming in a limited capacity, such as a spouse.

Simple Attendee

Very basic record type for simple event attendee tracking.

Simple Attendee
Weave Attendee

Some information, such as name and affiliation will pull in from the attendee's Contact Record.

Use the "Event Details" and "Travel" sections to track logistical information about your attendees.

Weave Attendee

Learn about using Campaign Records & Campaign Member Records for Weave Events here.