Understanding the Special Event Page Layout

Some fields on special event records connect to other Salesforce integrations or have a special use beyond the special event itself. This article is a brief overview of those fields.

AGLN Events Record Type

Key Roles: After you add special event attendees with the Moderator role, they will be automatically listed here. There is no manual entry required for this field.

Staff Roles:  After you add special event attendees with the Staff role, they will be automatically listed here. There is no manual entry required for this field.

Key Roles

Include in Community: Checking this box adds the event to the AGLN website with the details included in the "General Information (Pulls to Website if Include in Community is Checked)"  section.

Exclude from Calendar: Checking this box will omit it from the internal, Salesforce generated Division calendar of all special events.

Connect to website/calendar

Depending on the event type, you'll have some of the form links pre-populated on the special event record with customization for that special event record. Always be sure to check your form and complete a test submission before sending links to your attendees.

All forms are connected to the Leadership Division FormAssembly account which houses all of our forms for events. Using the phrase "seid=" in the url allows the form to be customized for your special event when you add the special event record ID after the equals sign. Using the phrase "cid=" in the url allows the form to be customized for your special event attendees when you add their contact ID after the equals sign.

Use the other fields in this section for internal tracking and reference as needed.

Additional Details

Request Readings Production: If you will be using Seminar Readings for your event, submit your event details via this form to the Office of Curriculum & Moderators. This is imperative so that they can secure copyrights for your event. In addition, they can create digital and readings packets for you. Learn more about the Readings Production Process here.

Readings Production
Leadership Seminars Record Type

Key Roles: After you add special event attendees with the Moderator role, they will be automatically listed here. There is no manual entry required for this field.

Staff Roles:  After you add special event attendees with the Staff role, they will be automatically listed here. There is no manual entry required for this field.

Exclude from Calendar: Checking this box will omit it from the internal, Salesforce generated Division calendar of all special events.

Key Roles

Request Readings Production: If you will be using Seminar Readings for your event, submit your event details via this form to the Office of Curriculum & Moderators. This is imperative so that they can secure copyrights for your event. In addition, they can create digital and readings packets for you. Learn more about the Readings Production Process here.

Readings Production

Description: The text from this field pulls into some event forms.

Special Event Group: Links to the special event group of which this seminar is a part.

Logistical Notes: The text from this field pulls into some event forms.

Additional Details

Depending on the event type, you'll have some of the form links pre-populated on the special event record with customization for that special event record. Always be sure to check your form and complete a test submission before sending links to your attendees.

All forms are connected to the Leadership Division FormAssembly account which houses all of our forms for events. Using the phrase "seid=" in the url allows the form to be customized for your special event when you add the special event record ID after the equals sign. Using the phrase "cid=" in the url allows the form to be customized for your special event attendees when you add their contact ID after the equals sign.

Note: Virtual seminar forms will only populate if the Type = Virtual Leadership Seminars.

Weave Programs Record Type

Key Roles: After you add special event attendees with the Moderator role, they will be automatically listed here. There is no manual entry required for this field.

Staff Roles:  After you add special event attendees with the Staff role, they will be automatically listed here. There is no manual entry required for this field.

Exclude from Calendar: Checking this box will omit it from the internal, Salesforce generated Division calendar of all special events.

Key Roles

Request Readings Production: If you will be using Seminar Readings for your event, submit your event details via this form to the Office of Curriculum & Moderators. This is imperative so that they can secure copyrights for your event. In addition, they can create digital and readings packets for you. Learn more about the Readings Production Process here.

Readings Production

Learn about using Campaign Records for Weave Events here.