Seminar Readings Production Process

In order to ensure your seminar readings are properly produced, printed and shipped to your Fellows, you'll need to work closely with the Office of Curriculum & Moderators (OCM) throughout your planning process.

**Before you begin a new readings production process, ensure that OCM has an updated version of the Production Information Sheet for your program and the most up to date logo(s) for your program.

General Timeline

It's important to begin working on the reading production process well ahead of your event. You should plan to begin conversations with OCM about 3 months before your event is set to take place.

See below for more deadlines and timelines to keep in mind throughout your process - if you have questions or concerns about meeting your timeline, please reach out to LaTarsha Pough ([email protected]) as soon as possible.

  • Submit Production Request Form
    • 3 Months Before Event - If you're adding or updating any of the readings
    • 2 Months Before Event - If you're not making any changes to the TOC
  • Review your Proof  - Determine the deadline for feedback on your electronic proof based on the date that the file needs to be sent to the printer (for printed readings) or distributed to participants (for electronic readings)
    • If your program requires a print copy of the proof, the review process may take longer and incur additional costs
  • Ship your Readings - Shipping may be done by the printer or your program but either way, participants should ideally have 8 weeks with the readings before the seminar begins so be sure to account for that time when determining your mailing timeline

Readings Selection

OCM has developed details Tables of Contents (TOC) for all AGLN seminars and the seminar arc outlined in these TOCs should be followed as closely as possible.

If your program is interested in making adjustments to the curriculum for your seminar, you will need to meet with OCM to discuss the proposed changes. Reach out to Brianna Curran ([email protected]) at least 5 months before your event to set up a consultation.

All standard TOCs are accessible in Basecamp. Reach out to LaTarsha Pough ([email protected]) if you have any questions about the TOCs or can't find what you're looking for. If you do not have access to the AGLN Basecamp, reach out to your manager or Phoebe Copeland ([email protected]).

To access all TOCs from the main page of the AGLN Basecamp, select "Docs & Files" and then the "Readings Production" folder.

Readings Production Folder

Requesting Readings

Once your reading curriculum is set and approved by OCM, you can kick off the production process. To begin, you'll need to submit the Readings Production Request Form.

Navigate to your Special Event and click "Click here to submit a Readings Production Request to OCM" in the budget section. This form will prefill with seminar information from your special event so it's important to add as much information as possible to your special event record before submitting the form. If you do not have access to Salesforce, reach out to the AGLN Core Team for assistance.

Note: If you are using a brand new reading for your seminar, you will need to submit the source material (word document preferred) via this form or email it directly to LaTarsha Pough.

Readings Production Request

After you've submitted the request form, the OCM team will add your readings to your special event, purchase copyrights and begin working on an electronic proof of your readings booklet.

Reviewing your Print or Electronic Proof

Once the printer has formatted your readings, you'll need to sign off on the print or electronic proof. To aid you in ensuring that the proof is ready to go, please refer to the Readings Proof Checklist and confirm that the file is ready to go to print.

Requesting Additional Readings after the Initial Printing

The OCM team recommends ordering slightly more books than you think you'll need at the outset to ensure you have extra copies if there are any unexpected change to your participants or modertors or seminar circumstances.

If you do need additional copies of the readings after the initial printing, be sure to reach out to LaTarsha Pough as soon as possible, no later than 2-3 weeks before you need the copies printed. Rush jobs are possible but there will be additional costs associated with this option.

Virtual Seminar - Readings Production

If your seminar will be taking place virtually and all readings will be distributed electronically, the OCM team is still available to answer questions and provide guidance on agenda design, curriculum and moderator support. Please reach out to Brianna Curran at least 2.5 months before your event to set up a consultation.

Once your curriculum is finalized, please submit the Readings Production Request form (steps described above) to kick off the readings production process. Be sure to include source material (word document format) for any new materials you're using along with your finalized TOC.

If you're including new materials, the form should be submitted 8 weeks before you intend to send readings to your participants. If you're including only previously used readings, the form should be submitted 6 weeks before your intend to send readings to your participants.