Add Seminar Readings

Use these instructions to add seminar readings to your seminar record.

Click "New Seminar Reading"

On the Special Event record, click "Seminar Readings" in the "Related Quick Links" section at the top and then click "New"

Click "New Seminar Reading"

Select the Reading

To lookup to the reading record, begin typing in the name or author of the reading you want to add. The reading should pop-up for easy selection. If it does not pop-up, click the lookup button next to the reading field to browse through all of the reading records.

If the reading you want to add does not exist, email LaTarsha Pough ([email protected]) for assistance 

Select the Reading

Select the Moderator

Connect the seminar reading to the Moderator's contact record. You can do that in the Moderator field by typing the moderator's name and selecting the appropriate contact record.

Select the Moderator

Add the Reading Order

Reading Order refers to where the reading occurs in your agenda. Best practice is to add readings with your agenda in front of you and start with the first reading. For the first reading, you would record "1" for the reading order; for the second, you would record "2"; and so on. 

Add the Reading Order

Save & New

Include any other relevant information on the Seminar Reading record, then you can easily save and begin creating a new Seminar Reading record by clicking "Save & New". 

Save & New