Setting up your logistics form

Find the logistics form URL on the participant's Special Event Attendee record

Find the logistics form URL on the participant's Special Event Attendee record

The logistics form (default)

The form defaults to showing the following sections:

  • Address
  • Travel
  • Bio

Confirm Address

Selecting "No" will allow the contact to update their mailing address in Salesforce. You can always revert back to a previously used mailing address if you learn that this address is temporary or incorrect. [Article on managing contact's addresses pending]

Confirm Address

Confirm Travel

If "Yes," travel details will update the Special Event Attendee record and set the travel status to Confirmed.

Confirm Travel

If "No," the form will show the following reminder text. Upon submission, the travel status field will be set to Pending.

You can customize the text of this reminder by editing the Logistical Notes field on the Special Event record.

Confirm Bio

If "Yes," the Bio Status will be set to Confirmed. If "No," the Bio Status will be set to Updated and the bio text will be updated on the Contact record.

Confirm Bio

Use Status fields in Salesforce to conditionally show/hide sections in the logistics form

You can optionally use the status fields on the Special Event Attendee record in Salesforce to control which sections appear for a participant.

Use Status fields in Salesforce to conditionally show/hide sections in the logistics form

Status field options

  • Readings Status: Address Pending, Address Confirmed, Readings Sent, Readings Confirmed
  • Travel Status: Pending, Submitted, Confirmed
  • Lodging Status: Sent to Hotel, Booked, Confirmed, Change Requested
  • Bio Status: Pending, Received, Updated, Confirmed
  • Venture Status: Pending, Submitted, Confirmed
Status field options

Show sections

Show the following sections by setting the status on the Special Event Attendee record:

  • Readings Received (set Readings Status to "Readings Sent")
  • Lodging Dates (set Lodging Status to "Booked")
  • Venture Update (set Venture Status to "Pending")

Confirm Readings

Once you have shipped seminar readings, you can have your participants confirm that they have received the readings by setting the Readings Status field to "Readings Sent." This will show the following on the logistics form (instead of the mailing address).

Confirm Readings

If "Yes," the Readings Status field will be updated to Readings Confirmed.

If "No," the form will show the mailing address on record and allow them to confirm or update their address. Upon submission, the Readings Status field will be updated to Address Confirmed.

Confirm Lodging

If you want to ask Fellows to confirm their lodging dates or information, set the Lodging Status field to Booked.

Confirm Lodging

Make sure the lodging information you want them to confirm is populated!

The form will show the Lodging section for the participant to confirm or request changes. If "Yes," the Lodging Status will be set to Confirmed.

If "No," a new section with requested check-in/check-out dates and notes will appear. Upon submission, the Lodging Status will be set to Change Requested and the requested changes will be noted on the Special Event Attendee record.

Confirm/update Venture

In some cases, Fellows may not have submitted their venture updates yet. If you want to request updates from the Fellow directly, set the Venture Status to Pending.

Confirm/update Venture

The logistics form will show the Venture section displaying the information we have for their venture.

If the Fellow selects "Yes," they will be given the chance to update their Venture title, tagline, description, and update. Upon submission, the Venture Status field will be updated to Submitted.

Hide sections

Hide the following sections by setting the status on the Special Event Attendee record:

  • Address and Readings (set Readings Status to "Readings Confirmed")
  • Travel (set Travel Status to "Confirmed")
  • Lodging (set Lodging Status to "Confirmed" - or anything other than "Booked")
  • Bio (set Bio Status to "Confirmed")
  • Venture Update (set Venture Status to "Confirmed" - or anything other than "Pending")
Hide sections

If all logistical items are confirmed, the logistics form will hide all sections and show the following text: