Shipping Seminar Readings

Once all participant and moderator addresses have been confirmed in Salesforce via the logistics form or manual follow up and readings packets have arrived in the office, you're ready to ship seminar readings to your attendees!

Shipping Materials

All necessary shipping materials can be found in the 7th floor mail room at the DC office. Shipping is typically done using FedEx, so choose from the various FedEx envelopes/boxes to find the packing that best fits your reading packet. You'll also need to use the FedEx address envelopes for your mailing labels.

Creating Shipping Labels

Log into your FedEx account and select "Create a Shipment" from the Shipping menu. Each shipping label will be created individually.

Create a Shipment

If you've never set up your FedEx account or can't log, reach out to Sean Smith at [email protected] for assistance.

Check the "From" details and click "Edit" if you want to adjust the return address.

Check Return Address

Edit the address details from the recipient's contact record in Salesforce - be sure to include their preferred phone number as well.

If this is a Fellow you'll be shipping seminar materials to multiple times, you can select the "save new recipient in address book" at the bottom of the "To" box to speed up the process in the future. Just be sure to confirm that the address is up to date each time before sending.

Enter Shipping Address

Enter shipping details. The shipping date will populate automatically as will the number of packages and pricing option. Choose the service type and package type that matches the packing materials you've selected for your shipping.

Seminar books typically weigh about two pounds but FedEx will weigh each package for accuracy before shipping so there's no need to get too hung up on the specifics.

Enter Shipping Details

Include the Billing Code for your seminar (including the "50" prefix for the Division code) in the "Your reference" field. The "Bill transportation to" field will populate automatically.

Add Billing Code

Finally, click "Ship" at the bottom right of the page to generate the shipping label.

Generate Label

Once you generate the label, you can either print directly or save as a PDF to print later.

Print Label

Additional Steps for International Shipping

For Fellows with international addresses, there a few additional steps required.

When entering the "To" information in step 2, be sure to change the country from the dropdown menu in the country field. This ensures the other address fields are correctly formatted. Notice that changing the country also changes the required fields in the "Packing & Shipment Details" section in step 3

Shipment Details

The first 5 required fields can be filled out exactly described above for domestic shipping. Complete the additional fields as outlined in the screenshot below.

Shipment Details

If "Correspondence/No Customs Value" is not an option in the drop down menu (it will depend on which country you're mailing to), choose the "Your document description" option at the bottom of the picklist and enter "Seminar Materials". Then enter $1 as the Custom's value.

You will also need to include additional paperwork for international shipments. Under step 5, "Customs Documentation" select "Pro Forma Invoice" and check both boxes to use the letterhead and signature on file. If you have not previously uploaded your program logo (as the letterhead) and a digital copy of your signature, click the "edit" button beside each checkbox to upload the files.

Note: When you generate your label for international shipments, it will be 7 pages rather than just 1. Include all pages in the shipping label envelope.

Pro Forma Invoice

Printing Shipping Labels

Reach out to Workplace Services if you need help printing in the DC Office. If you've previously been able to print but are encountering issues, make sure you're connected to the "AI Staff" wifi network instead of the "AI Guest" wifi network.

Mailing Packages

Assemble each of your readings packets:

  • If your program is including a welcome letter, print out enough copies for all packets and place each letter at the front of the seminar packet, just under the clear plastic cover.
  • Insert each shipping label into a shipping label envelope and affix the label on the front of your package.
  • Seal all packages.

When all of your readings packets are ready to go, carry the packages to the first floor lobby and drop off in the FedEx pick up box. Note that the last pick up of the day is typically at 6:00pm.

The FedEx pick up box can be found through the door to the loading dock beside the right (facing the elevators from the street) bank of elevators in the lobby. Once you walk through the door, keep walking forward until you see the box on your left side.