Salesforce for Leadership ProgramsAGLNManaging SeminarsOverviewSpecial Events and Special Event Attendees

Special Events and Special Event Attendees

Special Event Record Types

AGLN Events, Special Event Group and Action Forum are the record types specifically customized for AGLN programming. The Leadership Seminars  record type is used by the Executive Seminars Department and the Internal Events record type is used for internal audiences only.

Special Event Record Types

AGLN Events

This is the default for most AGLN events including seminars, reunions, Fellowship special events, moderator training, etc. Special Event Name and Program are the only required fields but please include as much information as possible.

AGLN Events

*Special Event Group

This type is used to link multiple special events and should only be used for Globalization Cycles. Note: The individual seminars should still have the AGLN Events record type

*Special Event Group

Action Forum

This type is completely customized to the Resnick Aspen Action Forum and should not be used for other events.

Action Forum

Special Event Attendee Record Types

Special Event Attendee Record Types

AGLN Attendee

Type special event attendee type should be used for all AGLN event attendees except attendees of the Action Forum.

AGLN Attendee

Action Forum Attendee

Used for all adult Action Forum Attendees regardless of registration type

Action Forum Attendee

Action Forum Youth

Used for all youth Action Forum Attendees

Action Forum Youth