Pulling your survey results

Finding your survey responses

Survey responses will be linked to your seminar record. You can find the survey response records in the Special Event related list and see directly on the record how many survey records have been created.

Finding your survey responses

Click on the quick link at the top of the record to go to the full list of survey responses. From there you can click into each survey record to see the details of the response.

Surveys (related list)

Exporting your survey responses

To export all survey responses for your report, click the "Survey Responses" button at the top right of the main seminar record page.

Exporting your survey responses

Template: Survey Responses in Excel

The Excel template pulls the raw data for all survey responses, including ratings and comments:

  • Survey records for the Special Event
  • Contact Feedback records for moderator Special Event Attendees
  • Contact Feedback records for staff Special Event Attendees
  • Session Feedback records for excursion Sessions

Choose the template that corresponds to the seminar that you're working on. In this case, choose "AGLN - Seminar 3 Ratings" for the excel export for the Leading in an Era of Globalization seminar. Then click "Merge & Download" to generate your export.

Template: Survey Responses in Excel

Template: Survey Comments in Word

The Word template pulls only the comments for each question:

  • Comments on Seminar
  • Comments Overall
  • Comments on Services
  • Key Insights
  • Behavior Impact (As a result of this seminar, I feel I will do things differently...)
  • Thought Impact (As a result of this seminar, I have a new or different concept of...)
  • Comments on Moderators
  • Comments on Readings
  • Comments on Excursions
  • Comments on Staff

Choose the template that corresponds to the seminar that you're working on. In this case, choose "AGLN - Seminar 3 Comments" for the word export for the Leading in an Era of Globalization seminar. Then click "Merge & Download" to generate your export.

Template: Survey Comments in Word

Preparing your report

Using the format from the word document, add in the metrics from the excel to complete your overall report. The final product should look something like the following (just the first two pages are shown) -

Preparing your report

Word Export: Survey Comments & Report Format

The Word export summarizes the comments for each survey question and provides the basic format for your report. Once you add in the quantitative data from the excel export, this is the document you'll share with moderators and attach to the seminar record in Salesforce

The names of all Fellows who attended will pull into the comments section, regardless of if they left a comment for that particular question. Simply remove the bullets that are blank to clean up the formatting.

Word Template: Survey Comments

Excel Template: Survey Ratings

The Excel template compiles all the raw data from each of the individual survey responses and summarizes the overall ratings into tables that you can copy and paste into the final word document version.

Excel Template: Survey Ratings

Adding the quantitative data into your word document

For each blank table in the word document, there will a corresponding table in the excel document. Simply copy and paste the entire table from excel to word.

From the word document :

Summary of Seminar Ratings

From the excel document:

Summary of Seminar Ratings

Compiling Moderator Ratings

The template also includes a pre-populated pivot table "PMods" that calculates the average ratings for each individual moderator. These tables can be used to inform the values added into the pre-formatted tables in the word document.

Note that values will only populate for the three metrics that you included on the survey for each moderator so some cells will remain blank.

Include both the custom criteria as well as the number average in the final word document.

Summary of Reading, Moderator, and Session Ratings

Compiling Staff and Session Ratings

To calculate the staff and session ratings in the excel, there is one additional step. Navigate to the Staff (and then the Excursions) tab, then copy each staff member (and then excursion) into a new set of columns sequentially from left to right.

You'll also need to type in the subsequent staff members' name into the yellow highlighted box were you see the "#VALUE!" error.

Summary of Reading, Moderator, and Session Ratings

This will then cause the staff summary box on the first tab to populate with both the names and ratings of each team member.

Repeat this process on the excursion tab.

Once the summary tables are updates, copy and paste these values into the appropriate tables in the word document

Finally, save your word document as a PDF and distribute to your program director and the seminar moderators and attach the file to the seminar record in Salesforce