Salesforce for Leadership ProgramsAGLNManaging SeminarsSurveysIncluding/Excluding Elements From Your Survey

Including/Excluding Elements From Your Survey

Generally, staff will add the venue, activities, and staff to the Special Event record in Salesforce so that they’ll show up on the evaluation. In Fall 2021, the surveys have been updated per discussions between Fellowship MDs and the Office of Curriculum and Moderators to shorten the surveys, so you have to manually include these elements in the survey.


Add Special Event Attendee record with type = "Moderator." There is a new, multi-select “Moderator Criteria” field on the Special Event Attendee record to select the criteria for evaluation in the survey.


Add Special Event Attendee record with type = "Staff." There is a new, free text “Evaluation Criteria” field on the Special Event Attendee record.



Sessions: Add Session records with the type “Excursion” and check “Include in Evaluation.” If you want them to show up in a particular order, add Session Order (1, 2, 3, etc.)


Venue: Check “Include Venue in Eval” box on the Special Event record.

Note: The Venue lookup field has to be populated for the name to show up on the survey.