Add Seminar Participants
If your class campaign already exists, skip to the Add Fellows to your event from the Class Campaign step.
Create a Class Campaign with all Fellows
Navigate to the Class Record and click "View Fellows" - this will take you to a linked report of all confirmed Fellows in that class.
From that linked report, click on the down arrow beside "Edit" and select add to Campaign.
Click into the "Search Campaigns" box and choose "New Campaign" from the bottom of the list.
Choose "Default" for the Campaign Record Type
Add the Campaign Name, Type and Program as well as any other information you want to include.
- Campaign Name - Use the typical naming convention [Program Acronym] [Class Name]. Ex. HIF Class 4: Sizzle & Soul or HCF Class XXIII: 2019 MOONSHOT Class
- Type - Choose "General" for the campaign type
- Program - Use the look up field to find your Fellowship's program record
Once you've included all the information, click save.
Add Fellows to your event from the Class Campaign
Navigate to your Class Campaign Record and click the "Add to Special Event" button in the top right hand corner.
Type in the name of your special event and click the search icon to look up your event. Select your event from the pop-up list, then click "Add Members".
Navigate back to your special event and check the Special Event Attendee list to ensure all Fellows are now added to your event.