Seminar Checklist

Preparing for your seminar + reminders for during & after!

Article Outline

  1. Check all data related to you Fellow and the Seminar
  2. Create your seminar materials
  3. Check your survey
  4. Create/edit your email template
  5. Set up a Contacts List View containing your seminar participants
  6. Consider attaching or linking to the final seminar materials, e.g. agendas, BREs, other

Reminders - What to do during and after your  seminar

Check that all your Fellow data is correct:

  • Confirm that all Fellow Engagement records are linked to the proper Class record - see these instructions for linking engagement records to class records
  • Confirm that all Contact records have:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Nickname (Used for seminar materials)
    • Primary Fellowship
    • Bio (Used for seminar materials)
    • Profile Picture URL (Used for seminar materials)
    • Primary Affiliation
    • Primary Affiliation Type
    • Job Title
    • Preferred Email Type
    • Email Address (of the preferred type)
    • Preferred Phone Type
    • Phone Number (of the preferred type)
    • Primary Mailing Address Type
    • Primary Mailing Address

Check that all your Seminar data is correct:

  • Confirm that your Special Event record includes:
    • Record type = AGLN Events
    • Program (lookup to the Program Record)
    • Class (lookup to the Class Record)
    • Venue (lookup to the Venue Record)
      • If there is no record for your venue, create a new account record first
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Location Notes
  • Confirm the following for your Special Event Attendees
    • Record type = Attendee
    • All Fellows should be added to the Special Event as Special Event Attendees  with the "Participant" Type
    • All Moderators should be added to the Special Event as Special Event Attendees with the "Moderator" Type
    • All Staff should be added to the Special Event as Special Event Attendees with the "Staff" Type
    • Note: The order that Moderators and Staff are entered on the special event record, determines the order in which they are pulled into the survey
  • Confirm the following for your Seminar Readings
    • Ensure Seminar Readings are created, then link Readings to the special event

Additional Reference: Engagement Records, Special Events

2. Create your Seminar Materials

Create the following seminar materials (as you have the information necessary) using Conga Composer. See these instructions for more information about Conga.

  • Mailing Labels
  • Tent Cards
  • Badges
  • Bios
  • Ventures, if applicable

3. Check your Survey

Access your seminar specific survey via the "Evaluation Form URL" linked in your special event record. Be sure the check the following:

  • Moderators are pulling in correctly
  • Additional sessions are pulling in correctly
  • Staff are pulling in correctly
  • All other questions are as you want them

4. Create/Edit your Email Template

Reference: Create or modify an email template

  1. My Settings --> Email --> Email Templates --> Seminars --> Seminar Survey Template
  2. Clone and save to your program folder
  3. Edit HTML Version. Double click “PASTESURVEYLINK” and replace it with your Seminar Survey Link, leaving the close curly bracket “}”
  4. Edit Text Version and paste in the actual URL
  5. Do a test send of the personalized survey email

5. Set up a Contacts List View with your seminar participants

Consider attaching or linking to the final seminar materials, e.g. agendas, BREs, other

You can link to documents in Sharepoint by using the Chatter publisher to attach a file, select a file from Salesforce, and then look up the file in the Sharepoint directory. More information on connecting files from SharePoint and OneDrive in Salesforce can be found here (article pending).


During the Seminar

  • Update contact records with any additional information or changes you receive from Fellows
  • Send out the personalized form link to any Venture forms
  • On the last day, send the survey to your participants. Reference: Send an email to your participants

After the Seminar

  • Update any contact information, notes/impressions from the seminar, etc.
  • If you have collected the responses from Fellows for the Personal Reflection Exercise, enter them into Salesforce
  • Log relevant venture information in Salesforce and create new materials based on the information where relevant

Reference: Managing Ventures