Create a Seminar record

Navigate to the Special Events tab and click "New".

Special events tab

Select the "AGLN Events" record type

Choose AGLN Events

Include as much information about your seminar as possible


Special Event Name: The standard format is YYYY Program Class#-Seminar#, e.g. 2018 CALI 13-2.

Program: Click the lookup icon to select the Program for this seminar.

Class: Click the lookup icon to select the Class for this seminar.

**Key Roles and Staff Roles: These are actually Read-Only fields and you cannot enter data in these fields. These fields will automatically populate when you add Staff and Moderators (or other Key Roles) as special event attendees for the seminar.


Start Date: Enter the seminar start date

End Date: Enter the seminar end date

Description: Enter a description for participants that can be merged into forms or email template. For example, instead of the Special Event Name "2018 CALI 13-2," you might wish to display a friendlier name/description, such as "CALI Class XIII: CRECE | The Aspen Seminar."

Venue: Click the lookup icon to select the Venue for this seminar. If you're using a new venue, first create a new account record for that venue.

Location Notes: Optionally add location notes for email templates, e.g. "Honduras"

Once you've entered all of the information, click save.