Overview of Venture Forms

cid = {!Contact.Id} of the Fellow

seid = {!SpecialEvent.Id} of the seminar

Seminar 1 - Venture Presentations

Venture Reflection Exercise (Fellow)

During the first seminar, Fellows are asked to complete several personal reflection exercises, culminating in responses to four priming questions, to get them thinking about the leadership venture they want to take on. Fellows will be asked to present their responses to the third exercise to their classmates.

[See more on the Challenge of Leadership seminar on Basecamp here]

[See more about the Venture Reflection Form here]

[See more on using this form for Seminar 1 here]

Gap 1 - Venture Concept, Greenlight, and Plan

Venture Concept Form

Venture Concept Form (Fellow)


Between the first and second seminar, Fellows will receive the Venture Concept Form, pre-filled with the four responses from the first seminar.

This form should be emailed to the Fellow with a personalized URL including their Contact ID.

The form should update the Venture Post record (type Concept) that was created from the first form submission.

Venture Greenlight Form

Venture Greenlight Form (Managing Director)


As calls are scheduled to discuss the Venture Concepts, the Managing Directors should use the Greenlight form to rate the concepts against the venture criteria.

This form should be emailed to the Managing Director with personalized URLs including their Contact ID and the Contact ID for the Fellows.

The form should create a Venture Post record (type Greenlight)

Venture Plan Form

Venture Plan Form (Fellow)


After Fellows receive the “greenlight” on their Venture Concepts, they will submit their Venture Plan Form.

This form should be emailed to the Fellow with a personalized URL including their Contact ID.

The form submission will create a new Venture Post record (type Plan).

The form submission will also create a new Venture Presentation record (type Presentation).

Gap 1 - Health Innovators Fellowship

Peer Feedback Form (Peers) ***REVIEW

During the second seminar, Fellows will present their ventures to their class and moderators. All Fellows will provide feedback on each venture.

This form will either be emailed to each Fellow with a personalized URL including their Contact ID and the Contact IDs of their peers whose ventures will be reviewed.

The form submission should create the Venture Post record (type Venture Feedback).


Seminar 2, Managing Director Feedback Form (Managing Director)  ***REVIEW


During the second seminar, Fellows will present their ventures to their class and moderators. Managing Directors will provide their feedback for each venture.

This form will either be emailed to each Managing Director with a personalized URL including their Contact ID and the Contact IDs of the Fellows whose ventures will be reviewed OR their feedback will be collected on paper and entered by staff following the seminar.

The form submission should create the Venture Post record (type Venture Feedback).

Seminar 2 - Venture Presentations

All Fellows should have submitted their Elevator Pitch for Seminar 2 with their Venture Plan form. If any have not, use the Venture Presentation form that can be found on the Special Event Attendee record.

Venture Presentation 2 Form (Fellow)


Gap 2 - Venture Update 1

Venture Update 1 (Fellow)

Between the second and third seminars, Fellows will provide updates on their ventures via the personalized form, pre-filled with data from Moderator Feedback and the Venture Plan.

The form submission should create the Venture Post record (type Update).

Update Feedback Form (Managing Director)


Between the second and third seminars, MDs will provide feedback on the updates received from the Fellows.

The form submission should create the Venture Post record (type Update Feedback).

Seminar 3 - Venture Presentations

All Fellows should have submitted their Elevator Pitch for Seminar 2 with their Venture Plan form. If any have not, use the Venture Presentation form that can be found on the Special Event Attendee record.

Venture Presentation 3 Form (Fellow)


Venture Simple Update Form (Fellow)


Before the third seminar, Fellows will provide simple updates on their ventures  reviewing and updating their Venture Title, Tagline, Description, and providing a general update. These updates will be compiled into a document to be shared with all Globalization seminar participants as part of the seminar materials.

The form submission should create the Venture Post record (type Venture Simple Update). Staff managing the upcoming seminar will review received Simple Updates and, when approved, check the “Set as current version” box on the Simple Update record. This will update the Tagline, Description, and Update fields on the main Venture record.

Gap 3 - Venture Update 2

Venture Update 2 (Fellow)

Between the third and fourth seminars, Fellows will provide updates on their ventures via the personalized form, pre-filled with data from their Update 1.

The form submission should create the Venture Post record (type Update).

Update Feedback Form (Managing Director)


Between the second and third seminars, MDs will provide feedback on the updates received from the Fellows.

The form submission should create the Venture Post record (type Update Feedback).

Seminar 4 - Final Presentation

Final Presentation

Venture Presentation 4 Form (Fellow)
