Overview of Venture Records


Venture records are used to track ventures undertaken as part of the Fellowship as well as action pledges and any additional undertakings by Fellows.

  • Ventures should always have a Lead Contact who is the main point of contact regarding this venture.
  • Ventures started as part of a Fellowship should always be linked to the Class record so that we can easily group ventures by program and class.
  • Action Pledges should be linked to the Special Event record for the Action Forum event to which it's related.

The Description fields should always be reviewed and edited by staff for quality, consistency, and formatting. These fields are often pulled into reports that are shared externally for seminars, board materials, and other uses.

  • Ventures can be linked to one Primary Country for their area of impact/focus. Additional countries can be tagged but only one can be linked on the record.
  • Ventures can be linked to one Primary Sector (also known as a Venture Tag) and one Primary Action Group (one of eight common goals from the Action Forum).
  • Ventures also have Primary and Secondary Venture Areas, which are generally more outcome-focused than the sector tags, which are more descriptive of industry sectors.
Ventures - Related Objects

Venture Posts

Venture Posts represent any updates we receive to a Venture. The standard record type is "Venture Post," which is used for any updates to the description fields and any common data points that can be tracked over time. Other record types capture responses to the venture forms used to guide Fellows through to their concluding seminar, from the Venture Concept and corresponding feedback (also referred to as Greenlighting) to the Venture Plan, Updates, and feedback from peers and programs.

Articles on various Venture Post record types are pending. Please contact Eana Chung and Alexis Ettinger with questions.

Venture Posts

Venture Post

See article on updating Venture descriptions here

Use a Venture Post to update descriptions for any venture by clicking "Set as Current Version." This allows us to track changes to descriptions over time, as well as providing checkpoints for quick metrics, such as the Fellow's motivation and progress ratings, their venture stage and status, and any quick notes on ways we can support or connect the Fellow.

Venture Post



Logging Emails

Logging Emails