Venture Contacts

Create a Venture Contact record to link Contacts with Venture records. This allows us to keep contacts and ventures synced with each other while providing the flexibility to note a Contact's Primary Venture, a Venture's Lead Contact, and any additional contacts and their roles.

Create a new Venture Contact record

Create a new Venture Contact record

From the Contact record

From the Contact record

From the Venture record

From the Venture record

Lead Contact and Primary Venture

Every Venture should have a Lead Contact.

Every Fellow should have a Primary Venture.

Lead Contact and Primary Venture

Check the Lead Contact box to populate the "Lead Contact" field on the Venture record with this Contact

Check the Lead Contact box to populate the "Lead Contact" field on the Venture record with this Contact

Check the Primary Venture box to populate the "Primary Venture" field on the Contact record with this Venture

Check the Primary Venture box to populate the "Primary Venture" field on the Contact record with this Venture