Report formatting

Report formatting

In order to make reports easier to navigate and quickly glean information from, there are a number of options available to adjust the way the data in the report displays.

Default - No Formatting

By default, a new report will simply display all results that match the filter criteria without formatting. (The columns and column order are determined by the outline tab in the report editor). You can still sort your report alphabetically by any column without formatting.


Group Rows - Include Summary Data

In the Outline tab of the Report Editor, you can group rows by field to add summary data into the report display.

Adding Groups

Adding grouping to your report helps you analyze your data quickly to determine how many records fulfill certain requirements.


To simplify the way your report displays even further, toggle off the "Detail Rows" option at the bottom of your screen

Remove detail rows

Group Columns - Matrix Report

Data is summarized vertically and horizontally in a grid to compare related totals. For instance, comparing statuses across gender as in the example below.

Matrix Report


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