Filtering by relative or custom dates

The report builder has a number of ways to filter your report based on a date or timeframe. You can use the default range filter to limit which results pull in or you can add custom date parameters to get even more specific.

Using the default range filter

All reports will have a build in range filter by which you can adjust limit which records are pulling into the report. This example is for a report based on special events so the default range is based on a date field and you have a few to choose from - here it's "Start Date".  For your range, you have a bunch of built in options based various timeframes or you can choose a custom range.

Built in range filter

Using a date field parameter

You can add an additional filter to limit the results further. In this example, a Start Date filter was added. Using this method allows you to choose an operator for your filter and add custom relative dates depending on what you need for your use case.

Additional date filter


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