Add Contacts to a Campaign

The easiest way to add a large cross-section of people to a campaign is to pull a report with your email recipients and "Add to Campaign". See instructions below.

If you need to create a new report to get the population you're looking for, check out the other guides on creating and editing reports. Reach out to the systems team with any questions.

The report type must be "Contact" or "Contact with" or "[something] with Contact" to add the report data to a campaign. 

Go to Reports

Check Report Criteria

Make sure this report is pulling the information you need! If it needs to be modified, save it as a new report and customize it to your needs. See instructions for customizing reports, here

Check Report Criteria

Add Contacts to a Campaign

Once you sure the report is pulling in all of the correct people, click the down arrow beside "Edit" in the upper right corner and select "Add to Campaign".

Add Report to Campaign

Choose your Campaign

Begin typing the name of the campaign you want to add these contacts to. Select it from the list once you see it pop up or click "New Campaign" if you want to create a new campaign to house these contacts. You can leave the Member Status on the default, "Sent". Then click submit.

Add to campaign


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