Report Subscriptions
Report subscriptions are a helpful way for you and your team to keep tabs on data completion in Salesforce. Scheduled in advance and delivered straight to your inbox with a direct link to the live report, report exports give you a clear picture of the data you want to know about.
Navigate to the report you want to subscribe to
You can set up a subscription for any report, here are a few examples of reports that could be helpful to subscribe to:
- Upcoming Events
- Active Opportunities
- Contact Records Missing Information
- Bio Submissions
In this example, I've chosen a report which pulls upcoming events.
Select Subscribe
Once you've navigated to the report you want, click the down arrow beside "Edit" and select "Subscribe".
Choose Frequency
Adjust the settings to select how often you want the report to be run, then sent to your inbox. Choose cadence(1), day(s) (2) and the time(s) (3).
Choose Attachment Format
If you prefer, you can include an exported attachment of the report to the email you receive. If you opt to include the attachment, you'll have the option to attach the formatted version or the details only version. (Check out this article for more on the difference between the two.)
Edit Recipients
You can easily add other Salesforce users or public chatter groups as recipients for the report export. Simply choose the subscriber type (1), then begin typing in the name of the subscriber you want to add (2) and select them from the search list (3) and click "Add".
You can also use the search bar beneath "Subscribers" to find existing subscribers (4).
Choose which profile runs the report
You can run the report as yourself or another user - the report will return records visible to whichever user profile is selected to run the report. If you are higher in the privacy hierarchy than someone who will be receiving the report, you should opt to run the report as that user so that the results returned to both of you are accurate to the records they have access to. Reach out to the Systems team with any questions about this nuance.
Note: The running user must have access to the folder in which the report is saved. All email recipients must have access to the same folder, and the report is emailed within 30 minutes of the preferred Start Time.
Add conditionality
If you only want to receive the report when certain conditions are met, you can add in conditionality rules.
The conditions you choose are evaluated when the report is run according to the schedule you set. The report is emailed only if all conditions are met. For each condition, select an aggregate measure, an operator, and a value to match. You can add up to 5 conditions.
Choose if you want to receive the summary and report or just the summary, then click "Save".
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