How to create a new report

Choose a report type and adjust the report filters to pull the data set you're looking for.

Select New Report...

Choose your report type

Begin typing the name of the object you want to base your report on to what options exist for reports based on this object.

How to Choose your Report Type: The object you choose as the primary object for your report will determine which type of records will display when you run your report. For instance if you choose "Contacts with Special Events", you'll see contact records with related special event records when you run your report whereas if you choose "Special Events with Contacts" you'll see special event records with related contact records.

Report Type Limitations: Bear in mind that reports can only include a maximum of 3 objects and all objects must be connected by parent-child relationships. The parent-child relationship mean the objects included in your report must be directly related in Salesforce - if the objects show up in each other's "Related" tab on the object record, they have a parent-child relationship.


Choose report type

Set the scope  of your report

Adjust which records are pulling into your report and the date range for these records.

Typically, you'll want to adjust to include all records for all time. You can then narrow in on your data set using the other report filters.

Set your scope

Adjust what information is included - Filters

Choose additional criteria to narrow the results of your report. Each criteria expression will start with a Salesforce field (from one of the objects that your report is based on) then you'll add an operator and finally the limiting value for your field.

Here's an explanation of those values in this example -

  • Salesforce Field: Start Date
  • Operator: Greater Than
  • Limiting Value: 1/1/2022

Using that criteria, the report will return results for all contacts who have a special event record which has a start date of January 1, 2022 or later.

Choose criteria

Adjust how the information is displayed - Outline

Add fields in the outline portion of your report to adjust what information is displayed when you run your report. All reports have default fields that populate to the report but you can add or remove fields as needed to get the information you want.

  1. To add fields, begin typing the field name into the search box and select the field you want. New fields will automatically populate to the bottom of the list.
  2. To remove fields, click the "x" beside the field name
  3. To adjust the order of the fields, drag and drop the field to the position you want. The top field in your list will be the furthest left column in your report.

Browse these articles to learn more about report filters and report formatting.


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