How to edit and run an existing report

Edit and run an existing report

Go to the Reports tab

Run and modify a report

Select the report you want to adjust

Select the report

Once you've opened the report, click "Edit" in the top right corner to make adjustments to the filters and/or outline.

Edit report

Adjust how the information is displayed - Outline

Add fields in the outline portion of your report to adjust what information is displayed when you run your report. All reports have default fields that populate to the report but you can add or remove fields as needed to get the information you want.

  1. To add fields, begin typing the field name into the search box and select the field you want. New fields will automatically populate to the bottom of the list.
  2. To remove fields, click the "x" beside the field name
  3. To adjust the order of the fields, drag and drop the field to the position you want. The top field in your list will be the furthest left column in your report.


Modify the dates and add other customizations

There are lots of ways to format your report to make the information easier to interpret. Learn more about summary and matrix report formats here.

Digging Deeper: Adding Fields to your Report

You can only pull fields from the Salesforce objects on which the report is built. In this example, the report is "Contacts & Accounts and Primary Engagement" type so you can include fields from contact records, account records and engagement records. In some cases, fields have the same or similar names on these different records so make sure you're choosing the correct field from the correct Salesforce object.

Adjust what information is included - Filters

Use criteria in the Filters portion of your report to adjust what information is included when you run your report. All reports have default criteria that populate to the report but you can add additional criteria as needed to narrow in on the records you want.

Each criteria expression will start with a Salesforce field (from one of the objects that your report is based on) then you'll add an operator and finally the limiting value for your field.

Here's an explanation of those values in this example -

  • Salesforce Field: Primary Engagement Program
  • Operator: Equals
  • Limiting Value: Henry Crown Fellowship Program
Modify the information you will summarize the data by and run report

Save, Save As, Run or Save & Run your report

Once you have your outline and filters adjusted to your preference, you have a few options for what to do next. Read through the descriptions below to determine which method fits your situation

  1. Save - This will save the changes you've made to the existing report and leave you in the edit mode of the report
  2. Save As (Accessible from the drop down menu beside "Save")- This will create a copy of the report and save it with the customizations you added, giving you the option to name it and save it to a new location. After you've saved it, you will remain in the edit mode of the report.
  3. Run - This will run the report reflecting the changes you made without saving them to the report itself. If you navigate away and come back to the report, your updates will no longer be in place.
  4. Save & Run - This will save the changes you've made to the existing report and run the report for you to review
Save as a custom report


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