Exporting Survey Responses

  • To Export: The button to export the survey responses in Conga is in Classic.
    • Go to the Special Event record in Salesforce Classic.
    • Click the “RAAF Surveys (Conga)” button
    • Select the “RAAF - Comments” Word template, Merge & Download
    • Select the “RAAF - Ratings” Excel template, Merge & Download
  • To Separate Out Session Feedback Ratings in Excel:
    • The General Session Feedback and the Seminar Feedback are split out into separate tabs in the Excel export. This gives you the distribution of ratings for all of that session type. The corresponding pivot tables summarize the average ratings per criteria.
    • If you want to separate out each of the individual sessions (e.g. distribution of ratings for Mind Body Spirit 1, Mind Body Spirit 2, Opening Plenary, etc.) you will have to duplicate the feedback sheets and remove the sessions that aren’t relevant.