Sessions Record

Sessions Record List Views

On the Sessions tab, you can see every session at the 2016 Action Forum.  This view will replace our Master Specs document. Session logistics include dates, times, session names, session types, building and room locations, etc..

Different list views can be created to display only the sessions where you will act as the venue manager. Please contact Eana or Shaquila if you need assistance with creating new Session Record list views. 

Sessions Record List Views

Sessions Record

The Sessions Record includes general details, logistics and attendence information. Below is the session record for the Registration & Open Breakfast scheduled on July 19, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. 

Sessions Record

Custom links are also located on the Session Record which allow you to access Session materials such as tent cards and the session roster. Session Attendees ar listed at the bottom of the Session Record. 

Session Attendees Record

On the Session Attendees tab, you can easily pull all the session rosters OR just the Lead Discussants and Moderators for Topical Dialogues.

Session Attendees Record