The Resnick Aspen Action Forum

Special Events View in Salesforce

There are different ways to access data in Salesforce.  Many of you use the “Programs” view which is in the top right corner.  To access the Action Forum tabs and data, select “Special Events”.  You can then toggle back and forth between “Programs” and “Special Events”.  

Special Events View in Salesforce

Once you select “Special Events”, a new series of Tabs will appear.

  • Tab 1: Special Events – this is where you can access the 2013 – 2016 Action Forum data.
  • Tab 2: Special Event Attendees – select to see participants.
  • Tab 3: Sessions – Every session (seminar, topical dialogue, workshop, plenary, training, etc) is managed here.  This replaces our Master Specs.
  • Tab 4: Session Attendees – This tab provides every session attendee roster.
Navigating Special Event Records

Special Event Record

Below is the Special Event Record for the 2016 Resnick Aspen Action Forum. This record provides a high-level overview of event details and registration details. 

Special Event Record

Statistics such as registration breakdowns and AGLN program breakdowns are also included on the Special Event Record.