Creating a Pardot Form

You'll need to create a form for any event or downloadable item you need people to complete a form for. Navigate to the "Content" tab in the navigation bar at the top. If it does not initially show up, click on the "More" dropdown.

Then select "Forms" at the top of the navigation bar on the left side of the screen.

Find a form most relevant to the new one you're creating (ex: if creating a new flash seminar form, find a past flash seminar form; if creating one for the Hit Pause crowdsourcing question, copy the prior form for that). In the corresponding gear icon under the "Actions" column, select "Copy".

Then update the name of the form as needed and update the campaign to a relevant one you created prior. Click "Copy Form". See the example below:

Click "Edit Form" on the next page in the Top Right corner, then select "Next" in the bottom left. Once you're in "Fields", you can update the fields as necessary. Since the example above copied a similar form for a future flash seminar, we will keep the fields as is. 

If you wanted to change them, click on the Edit icon (pencil over a square) to change the name, the field it's connected to in Salesforce, the Type of field (ex: text, dropdown, checkbox), whether the question should be required or not, and the values (if needed).

Save the changes as needed and click the "Next" CTA at the bottom. In "Look and Feel", you can decide whether to include language above the form or below the form. Generally, our forms are attached to and embedded in a landing page and thus don't need above the fold copy. However, we sometimes will add relevant contextual information below the form, as shown in the following example:

This is where you can also update the CTA people will see when they complete the form by changing what is shown in the fill-in-the-blank next to "Submit Button Text". 

Click the "Next" CTA again. Once you get to "Completion Actions", you'll be able to include text that people will see once they complete the form. As you'll see, there's also an option to "Redirect to the following URL instead of showing the form's Thank You Content". In most cases, this should remain un-selected so that people see the thank you language. 

However, in instances where people are downloading something (ex: one-pager, case study, etc.), this should be ticked off and people should be redirected to the PDF rather than receiving thank you language upon completion. 

If you're including an Add-to-Calendar link, make sure this is updated with the correct new link. Drag your cursor over the text and click on the Link icon to update with the correct URL.

As you scroll down the page, you'll notice there's a section under the header "Completion Actions". This is where you'll update the lists people are added to and the auto-responder they'll receive upon completion of the form. People should always be added to the "Full List" segment. In addition, you can add them to a segment you create for the particular event (ex: August 2023 Flash Seminar Registrants, LGBTQ+ Mental Health Registrants, etc.).

If the form people are completing is a strong indication of a registrant's interest in a specific program (ex: EXL), you can add an action and select "Adjust Scoring Category", then add the relevant program, and add a number (usually 1) for the increase in score for the registrant after completing the form. If the event is on a topic that showcases to a significant extent one's interest in a program (ex: an info session on "How to Bring a Custom Seminar to Your Organization"), you can add more points (2-3).

Once you confirm and save, you can select "View Online" at the top right to see what it looks like and whether any adjustments need to be made.


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