Importing/Exporting Leads and Lists

Importing Leads

There are a number of times when leads need to be imported into Pardot since they've provided contact information outside of a Pardot form and have agreed to join the list. This includes people who have completed registration forms for Aspen affiliated or partnered events elsewhere (ex: McNulty Prize Catalyst Fund, RAAF livestreamed plenaries through Splash, etc.), Industry Dive leads, and those who have come through website interstitials/pop-ups on the Exec Sem website to sign up for our email list.

For the latter, email Jackie Orwick on a monthly basis for the latest list of leads through the pop-up ads. The emails will look like this:

Whether it's leads from the pop-up ads or another list you're importing, make sure to save the list as a CSV file before importing, as this is what Pardot allows. Different files may have more or fewer columns depending on the form fields that people completed. When importing a file, ensure that there's at least first name, last name, and email address. See an example of the most recent Exec Sem pop-up leads below:

Once your file is ready, go to "Account Engagement Settings" in the top navigation bar and then "Imports" on the navigation bar to the left. You may need to click under the "More" dropdown to get to Account Engagement Settings. 

On the next page, upload your file, select "Create or update prospects using email address", click on the checkbox for Compliance, and click Next. Then, make sure that all the Fields align correctly and click "Next" again.

On the next page, select the relevant campaign for these leads. In this case, I'm selecting "Website Interstitials" which consists of those we bring in from the Exec Sem pop-up ads. If these were Industry Dive Trendline leads, I'd add them to that campaign. And so forth. Then click "Next".

Then select "Import prospects and add to list(s)" and click "Next"

Then, always add these new leads to the "Full List" segment as this will allow them to automatically start receiving the welcome nurture series if they're new to the Pardot list. You can also add them to other relevant segments, such as indicating they're Industry Dive leads, McNulty leads, or from pop-ups. 

Confirm & Save on the next page. You'll receive an email once the import process has been completed. The email will let you know how many people from the list are newly created prospects in Pardot and how many were already in Pardot but have now been updated.

Exporting a List

Whether it is to provide a list of registrants to the relevant stakeholders beforehand or to use to more easily highlight attendees and no shows among registrants for an event, there are various times you may need to export a list from Pardot. Two main examples are in the lead-up to a flash seminar or before each session within the Adolescent Mental Health series.

In order to export a list, go to Prospects > Segmentation Lists. Then select the list you want to export. In this example, we'll export the "Latinx Full Registrants" segment for that webinar. 

When you scroll down, click on "Tools" to the right and then "CSV Export".

Then select "Full Export" and add a name relevant to the list you're pulling. Click "Export".

When ready, you'll receive an email that the list has been exported. You'll then go to "Account Engagement Settings" in the top navigation bar and select "Exports" from the nav bar to the left. You'll then see it listed under "CSV Exports" and can click "Download" to the right under "Actions" in order to retrieve the file. 


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