Lists and Segmentation

Who should receive each email?

When sending an email, it's important you determine the audience to drive relevance and effective ROI. Determinations here generally are made as follows:

Initial Promotion Email: 

  • When an event is being promoted where it does NOT matter if someone has attended previously (ex: HIF series, EXL info sessions), the email should be sent to the Full List segment
  • When an event is being promoted where it DOES matter if someone has attended previously (ex: flash seminars or Connected Learning Seminars where we don't want repeats), the email should be sent to the Full List segment BUT also should suppress past attendees (note attendees rather than anyone who has registered prior)

Follow-Up Promotion Emails:

  • When sending a promotional email after an event has already driven registrants (and it meets the first criteria above), the email should be sent to the Full List segment BUT also should suppress people who are already registered for the event (will discuss this more in a bit)

Event Reminder Emails:

  • Reminder emails should be sent only to the segment of those who have already registered for the event

Event Follow-Up Emails:

  • Following an event, two segments should have been created - one made up of No Shows and the other made up of Attendees. Two emails should be sent with slightly different subject lines + language to each of these segments. Instead of taking time for significant manual segmentation, you can segment No Shows with a shortcut by simply sending their email to Event Registrants while suppressing the segment of Attendees.

Industry Dive:

  • This list falls within the Full List segment as do all others in the Pardot audience, but we should be cognizant about how often we email them and what we promote to them, given that some of are very high-target leads as well as come into our system less knowledgeable of and engaged with Aspen. For initial promotions of an AGLN-related event (ex: Adolescent Mental Health series) or Weave offering, we may want to suppress the Industry Dive segments for at least the initial promotions. If we need to increase registrations for an event, we can consider including Industry Dive leads in follow-up promotions. Generally, we'd like to keep them for EXL offerings emails. 

Some examples of this below:

How to Segment

Now that it's clear who should be receiving different types of emails, it's important to learn how to segment and tie these segments to forms! Each time a form is created, a segmented should be created too so that registrants are automatically added to a list upon completing a form and can easily be sent reminder emails and be suppressed from further promotions.

Click on the "Prospects" tab at the top and then select "Segmentation Lists" on the navigation bar to the left. 

Select "+ Add List" in the top right.

Name the segment (ex: August 2023 Flash Seminar Registrants), select a folder such as Executive Seminars or AGLN depending on the relevance, and click on the "Create List" at the bottom. 

Once this is created, you'll want to attach the segment to the relevant form so registrants or those downloading a PDF will show up in the segment once they complete the form. 

To do this, go back to your relevant form (Content tab > Forms > select the relevant form > Edit Form > Completion Actions). Update the relevant segment people should go into by Adding an Action > "Add to List" > choosing the correct segment.

Adding Segments and Suppression Lists to Email Sends

Once you have your segments built and people who complete a form can automatically be added to the relevant segment, you'll want to know how to add audiences to email sends to ensure the right people get the right emails. 

When you're in an email and ready to send, go to the Sending tab towards the top right.

Then click on "Lists" and select the list(s) you want to send the email to. Refer back to the start of this page to make that determination. If there is a segment(s) you want to suppress, you can do that by selecting them under "Suppression Lists". The example above is a reminder email for the Latinx Mental Health session. Therefore, we're including the lists of registrants under "Lists" and there's no need to suppress within that list.

Adding Pardot Prospects into a New Segment

The main time prospects in Pardot will be added into a new segment is following an event when you want to send different emails to attendees versus no shows. The easiest way to do this is to highlight those who attended in an exported list while the event is ongoing and creating a segment of attendees (ex: August Flash Segment attendees). Then, rather than going through the manual process of also adding all No Shows to a separate segment, you can email the initial Registrant list and suppress the Attendees segment, which will then make up those who were No Shows.

To add people a segment, go to the Registrant segment that they are already in, such as "May 2023 Industry Dive Flash Seminar" if we're separating attendees and no shows from the HR-specific flash seminar experience.

Then, check off the square boxes next to the names of those who attended. 

At the bottom of the page where it says "With selected", choose "Add to List" and then select the relevant attendee segment you want to add them to. 

Click "Choose Selected" and then press "Go". You've added them to the Attendee segment!


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